
Kathleen A. Becker, PhD
  • Assistant Professor
  • kbecker3@une.edu
  • Interests: Bone formation and cross-talk between bone, fat, and the nervous system


The mitophagy receptor Bcl-2-like protein 13 stimulates adipogenesis by regulating mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and apoptosis in mice.  Fujiwara M, Tian L, Le PT, DeMambro VE, Becker KA, Rosen CJ, Guntur AR.  J Biol Chem. 2019; 294(34):12683-12694.

Reproducibility of CRISPR-Cas9 methods for generation of conditional mouse alleles: a multi-center evaluation. Gurumurthy CB, O’Brien AR, Quadros RM, Adams J Jr, Alcaide P, Ayabe S, Ballard J, Batra SK, Beauchamp MC, Becker KA, Bernas G, Brough D, Carrillo-Salinas F, Chan W, Chen H, Dawson R, DeMambro V, D’Hont J, Dibb KM, Eudy JD, Gan L, Gao J, Gonzales A, Guntur AR, Guo H, Harms DW, Harrington A, Hentges KE, Humphreys N, Imai S, Ishii H, Iwama M, Jonasch E, Karolak M, Keavney B, Khin NC, Konno M, Kotani Y, Kunihiro Y, Lakshmanan I, Larochelle C, Lawrence CB, Li L, Lindner V, Liu XD, Lopez-Castejon G, Loudon A, Lowe J, Jerome-Majewska LA, Matsusaka T, Miura H, Miyasaka Y, Morpurgo B, Motyl K, Nabeshima YI, Nakade K, Nakashiba T, Nakashima K, Obata Y, Ogiwara S, Ouellet M, Oxburgh L, Piltz S, Pinz I, Ponnusamy MP, Ray D, Redder RJ, Rosen CJ, Ross N, Ruhe MT, Ryzhova L, Salvador AM, Alam SS, Sedlacek R, Sharma K, Smith C, Staes K, Starrs L, Sugiyama F, Takahashi S, Tanaka T, Trafford AW, Uno Y, Vanhoutte L, Vanrockeghem F, Willis BJ, Wright CS, Yamauchi Y, Yi X, Yoshimi K, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Ohtsuka M, Das S, Garry DJ, Hochepied T, Thomas P, Parker-Thornburg J, Adamson AD, Yoshiki A, Schmouth JF, Golovko A, Thompson WR, Lloyd KCK, Wood JA, Cowan M, Mashimo T, Mizuno S, Zhu H, Kasparek P, Liaw L, Miano JM, Burgio G.  Genome Biol. 2019; 20(1):171.

Carol A. Brenner, PhD
  • Clinical Professor; Associate Dean for Research
  • cbrenner1@une.edu
  • Interests: Mitochondrial biology; Clinical research; Reproductive sciences; rural/underserved medicine; Infertility; Pregnancy and COVID-19


In Vitro Fertilization in a Nulliparous Female Resulting in Placenta Increta and Postpartum Hemorrhage.  Kassas JM, Blue LM, Brenner CA.  Cureus. 2021 Sep 17;13(9):e18042.

Sarcoidosis with secondary recurrent right-sided chylothorax and chylous ascites in a Caucasian male patient. Jagannathan SH, Winn CM, Nayar AP, Koussa GJ, Brenner CA.  Oxf Med Case Reports. 2021 Oct 26;2021(10):omab098.

Physician Beliefs Concerning Structural and Institutional Racism in Health Care. Ciurylo W, Brenner CA,Thieme VS. Osteopathic Family Physician. 2021 May/June; Volume 13, Issue 3.

Primary Small Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder. Kassas JM, Fiuk JV, Brenner CA. Cureus. 2021 May 21;13(5):e15146.

Research at University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine.  Brenner CA.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):495-496.

Overview of the Pathogenesis and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 for Clinicians: A Comprehensive Literature Review.  Voto C, Berkner P, Brenner C.  Cureus. 2020; 12(9):e10357.

Ling Cao, MD, PhD
  • Professor
  • lcao@une.edu
  • Interests: Neuroimmune mechanisms of chronic pain and HIV-associated neurological disorders; Chronic pain related clinical/population studies


US medical school curriculum on opioid use disorder-a topic review of current curricular research and evaluation of winning student-designed opioid curricula for the 2021 Coalition on Physician Education in Substance Use Disorders curricular competition. Cao L, Van Deusen J. Front Pain Res (Lausanne). 2023 Oct 27;4:1257141. doi: 10.3389/fpain.2023.1257141.

Effects of Morphine on Gp120-induced Neuroinflammation Under Immunocompetent Vs. Immunodeficient Conditions. Canonico D, Casale S, Look T, Cao L. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2023 Jun;18(1-2):24-40. doi: 10.1007/s11481-021-10040-5

Preparation of Primary Mixed Glial Cell Cultures from Adult Mouse Spinal Cord Tissue. Cao L, Bean EN, Malon JT. Curr Protoc. 2023 Apr;3(4):e743.  doi: 10.1002/cpz1.743

Supervised interprofessional student pain clinic program – efficacy with the utilization of zoom. Dao B, Cao L. Front Pain Res (Lausanne). 2023 May 23;4:1144666.  doi: 10.3389/fpain.2023.1144666

Effectiveness of a Multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Management Program. Barker CL, Sultan DA, Koh WY, Hull SZ, Cao L. Journal of Pain & Relief. 2021. Volume 10, Issue 7, 388.

Effectiveness of Educating Health Care Professionals in Managing Chronic Pain Patients Through a Supervised Student Inter-professional Pain Clinic. Cao L, Hull SZ. Med Sci Educ. 2021; Jan 13.

Effects of HIV gp120 on Neuroinflammation in Immunodeficient vs. Immunocompetent States.   Arabatzis TJ, Wakley AA, McLane VD, Canonico D, Cao L.  J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2020.

Evaluation of Using the Sphygmomanometer Test to Assess Pain Sensitivity in Chronic Pain Patients vs Normal Controls.  Butler S, Draleau K, Heinrich R, Nguyen L, Shbeeb D, Sigalovsky D, Koh W, Hull SZ, Cao L.  Pain Med. 2020; 21(11):2903–2912.

Evaluation of Corneal Damage After Lacrimal Gland Excision in Male and Female Mice.  Mecum NE, Cyr D, Malon J, Demers D, Cao LMeng ID.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019; 60(10):3264-3274.

Frank J. Daly, PhD
  • Associate Professor
  • fdaly@une.edu
  • Interests: Vertebrate retinal biology; Anatomical educational practices


Report on 7 Years’ Experience Implementing an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum for Osteopathic Medical Students Using Entrustable Professional Activities.  Reynolds TS, Frothingham C, Carreiro JE, Branda A, Schuenke MDTucker KLDaly FWillard FH.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):529-539.


Russell J. Ferland, PhD
  • Professor and Chair
  • rferland2@une.edu
  • Interests: Primary cilia in developmental disorders (e.g., Joubert syndrome and periventricular heterotopia); Genetics and mechanisms of epileptogenesis (epilepsy)

The combined long-term objectives of our research are to better understand the molecular, genetic, and cellular mechanisms causing neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders. Overall, my research interests lie primarily in the study of disorders of brain development and neurological disease, and specifically involve the following areas of investigation:

1) functional analyses of AHI1 and CSPP1, two novel genes which we mapped and cloned in individuals with Joubert syndrome (Ferland et al., Nature Genetics, 2004; Doering et al., J. Comp. Neurol., 2008; Hsiao et al., Hum. Mol. Genet., 2009; Westfall et al., J. Neurosci., 2010; Tuz et al., J. Biol. Chem., 2013; Tuz et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2014; Bourgeois and Ferland, Dev. Biol., 2019; Munoz and Ferland, J. Cell Sci., 2019; Hsiao et al., J. Neurosci., 2021),

2) formation and function of the primary non-motile cilia in development and disease (Hsiao et al., Hum. Mol. Genet., 2009; Westfall et al., J. Neurosci., 2010; Hsiao et al., Cilia, 2012; Tuz et al., J. Biol. Chem., 2013; Tuz et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2014; Hua and Ferland, Cilia, 2017; Hua and Feland, Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 2018; Hua and Ferland, Bioessays, 2018; Bourgeois and Ferland, Dev. Biol., 2019; Munoz and Ferland, J. Cell Sci., 2019; Hsiao et al., J. Neurosci., 2021),

3) genetic and neuroanatomical mechanisms of seizure threshold, seizure propagation,  epileptogenesis, and Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) (Wilson C, FASEB J, 2021; Ferland et al., G3 Genes, Genom. Genet, 2017; Ferland, 2017; Loscher, Ferland, and Ferraro, Epilepsy and Behavior, 2017; Kadiyala et al., J. Neurosci., 2016; Kadiyala et al., Epil. Res., 2015; Kadiyala et al., PLoS ONE, 2014; Papandrea et al., Exp. Neurol., 2009; Papandrea et al., Epil. Res., 2009; Ferland et al, 1998a,b,c, 1999, 2002a,b, 2003).


Selected Publications:

Fixation methods and immunolabeling for cilia proteins in ciliary and extraciliary locations. Hua K, Ferland RJ. Methods Cell Biol. 2023 Feb 24;176:43-57.   doi: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2023.01.002 (Invited Publication)

Wilson CS, Dohare P, Orbeta S, Nalwalk, JW, Huang Y, Ferland RJ, Sah R, Scimemi A, Mongin AA. Late adolescence mortality in mice with brain-specific deletion of the volume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8A. FASEB J., 35:e21869, 2021.

Hsiao YC, Muñoz-Estrada J, Tuz K, Ferland RJ. The transition zone protein AHI1 regulates neuronal ciliary trafficking of MCHR1 and its downstream signaling pathway. J. Neurosci., 41(17):3932-3943, 2021.

Srinivasan A, Srinivasan A, Ferland RJ. AutoSholl allows for automation of Sholl analysis independent of user tracing. J Neurosci Methods, 331:1-6, 2020.   Source code & compiled version of the algorithm are available at: https://github.com/ferlandlab/AutoSholl

Muñoz-Estrada J and Ferland RJ. Ahi1 promotes Arl13b ciliary recruitment, regulates Arl13b stability and is required for normal cell migration. Journal of Cell Science, 132(17): 1-18, 2019.

Bourgeois JR and Ferland RJ.  Loss of the neurodevelopmental Joubert syndrome causing protein, Ahi1, causes motor and muscle development delays independent of central nervous system involvement. Developmental Biology, 448(1): 36-47, 2019.

Hua K and Ferland RJ. Primary cilia reconsidered in the context of ciliopathies: Extraciliary and ciliary functions of cilia proteins converge on a polarity theme? Bioessays, 40, 1700132, 1-11, 2018.

  • This work was highlighted in F1000Prime, 5 Dec, 2018.  

Hua K and Ferland RJ. Primary cilia proteins: ciliary and extraciliary sites and functions Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 75:1521–1540, 2018.

Kaskow BJ, Buttrick TS, Klein H-U, White C, Bourgeois JR, Ferland RJ, Patsopoulos N, Bradshaw EM, De Jager PL, Elyaman W. Multiple sclerosis AHI1 genetic risk promotes IFNγ+ CD4+ T cells. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 5 (1): 1-10 (e414), 2018.

Srinivasan A, Muñoz-Estrada J, Bourgeois JR, Nalwalk J, Pumiglia K, Sheen V, Ferland RJ. BranchAnalysis2D/3D automates morphometry analyses of branching structures. J Neurosci Methods, 294:1-6, 2018.   Source code & compiled version of the algorithm are available at: https://github.com/ferlandlab/BranchAnalysis2D-3D

Ferland RJ. The repeated flurothyl seizure model in mice. Invited submission.  Bio-Protocol, 7(11):1-12, 2017.  DOI:10.21769/BioProtoc.2309.

Löscher W, Ferland RJ, Ferraro TN. The relevance of inter- and intrastrain differences in mice and rats and their implications for models of seizures and epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav., 73: 214-235, 2017.

Ferland RJ, Smith J, Papandrea D, Gracias J, Haines L, Kadiyala SB, O’Brien B, Kang EY, Beyer B, Herron BJ. Multidimensional genetic analysis of repeated seizures in the hybrid mouse diversity panel reveals a novel epileptogenesis susceptibility locus. G3 Genes Genom. Genet., 7(8): 2545-2558, 2017.

Hua K and Ferland RJ. Fixation methods can differentially affect ciliary protein immunolabeling. Cilia, 6;5: pp. 1-17, 2017.

Kadiyala SB and Ferland RJ. Dissociation of spontaneous seizures and brainstem seizure thresholds in mice exposed to eight flurothyl-induced generalized seizures. Epilepsia Open, 2(1): 48-58, 2017.

Kadiyala SB, Yannix JQ, Nalwalk JW, Papandrea D, Beyer BS, Herron BJ, Ferland RJ. Eight flurothyl-induced generalized seizures lead to the rapid evolution of spontaneous seizures in mice: a model of epileptogenesis with seizure remission. J. Neurosci., 36(28): 7485-7496, 2016.

Kadiyala SB, Papandrea D, Tuz K, Anderson TM, Jayakumara S, Herron BJ, Ferland RJ. Spatiotemporal differences in the c-fos pathway between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice following flurothyl-induced seizures: A dissociation of hippocampal Fos from seizure activity. Epilepsy Res., 109:183-196, 2015.

Hu J, Lu J, Lian G, Ferland RJ, Dettenhofer M, Sheen VL. Formin 1 and Filamin B physically interact to coordinate chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation in the growth plate. Hum. Mol. Genet., 23(17):4663-4673, 2014.

Kadiyala SB, Papandrea D, Herron BJ, Ferland RJ. Segregation of seizure traits in C57 Black mouse substrains using the repeated-flurothyl model. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90506, 2014.

Tuz K, Bachmann-Gagescu R, O’Day DR, Hua K, Isabella CR, Phelps IG, Stolarski AE, O’Roak BJ, Dempsey JC, Lourenco C, Alswaid A, Bönnemann CG, Medne L, Nampoothiri S, Stark Z, Leventer RJ, Topçu M, Cansu A, Jagadeesh S, Done S, Ishak GE, Glass IA, Shendure J, Neuhauss SC, Haldeman-Englert CR, Doherty D, Ferland RJ. Mutations in CSPP1 cause primary cilia abnormalities and Joubert syndrome with or without Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 94(1): 62–72, 2014.

Tuz K, Hsiao YC, Juarez O, Shi B, Harmon EY, Phelps IG, Lennartz MR, Glass IA, Doherty D, Ferland RJ. The Joubert syndrome associated missense mutation (V443D) in the Abelson-helper integration site 1 (AHI1) protein alters its localization and protein-protein interactions. J. Biol. Chem., 288(19):13676-94, 2013.

Bhoiwala DL, Koleilat I, Qian J, Beyer B, Hushmendy SF, Mathew A, Bhoiwala DL, Ferland RJ, Crawford DR. Overexpression of RCAN1 isoform 4 in mouse neurons leads to a moderate behavioral impairment. Neurol. Res., 35(1):79-89, 2013.

Zhang J, Neal J, Lian G, Shi B, Ferland RJ, Sheen VL. Brefeldin A-inhibited guanine exchange factor 2 regulates Filamin A phosphorylation and neuronal migration. J. Neurosci., 32(36):12619-12629, 2012.

Lian G, Lu J, Hu J, Zhang J, Cross SH, Ferland RJ, Sheen VL. Filamin A Regulates Neural Progenitor Proliferation and Brain Size through Wee1-Dependent Cdk1 Phosphorylation. J. Neurosci., 32(22):7672-84, 2012.

Hsiao Y-C, Tuz K, Ferland RJ, Trafficking in and to the primary cilium. Cilia, 1:4 (1-13), 2012

Westfall (Doering) JE, Hoyt C, Liu Q, Hsiao Y-C, Pierce EA, Page-McCaw PS, Ferland RJ. Retinal degeneration and failure of photoreceptor outer segment formation in mice with targeted deletion of the Joubert syndrome gene, Ahi1. J. Neurosci., 30(26):8759-8768, 2010.

Papandrea D, Kukol WS, Anderson TM, Herron BJ, Ferland RJ. Analysis of flurothyl-induced myoclonus in inbred strains of mice. Epil. Res., 87:130-136, 2009.

Hsiao Y-C, Tong ZJ, Westfall (Doering) JE, Ault JG, Page-McCaw PS, Ferland RJ. Ahi1, whose human ortholog is mutated in Joubert syndrome, is required for proper localization of Rab8a, ciliogenesis, and vesicular trafficking. Hum. Mol. Genet., 18(20):3926-3941, 2009.

Ferland RJ, Batiz LF, Neal J, Lian G, Bundock E, Lu J, Hsiao Y-C, Diamond R, Mei D, Banham A, Brown PJ, Vanderburg CR, Joseph J, Hecht JL, Folkerth R, Guerrini R, Walsh CA, Rodriguez EM, Sheen VL. Disruption of neural progenitors along the ventricular and subventricular zones in periventricular heterotopia. Hum. Mol. Genet., 18(3):497-516, 2009.

Papandrea D, Anderson TM, Herron BJ, Ferland RJ. Genetic dissociation of seizure traits in inbred strains of mice using the flurothyl model of epileptogenesis. Exp. Neurol., 215:60-68, 2009.

Morrow EM, Yoo S-Y, Flavell SW, Kim T-K, Lin Y, Hill RS, Mukaddes NM, Balkhy S, Gascon G, Hashmi A, Al-Saad S, Ware J, Joseph RM, Greenblatt R, Gleason D, Ertelt JA, Apse KA, Bodell A, Partlow JN, Barry B, Yao H, Markianos K, Ferland RJ, Greenberg ME, Walsh CA. Identifying autism loci and genes by tracing recent shared ancestry. Science, 321:218-223, 2008.

  • This work was highlighted in F1000 Prime, 31 Jul 2008.

Doering JE, Kane K, Hsiao Y-C, Yao C, Shi B, Slowik A, Dhagat B, Scott D, Ault JG, Page-McCaw PS, Ferland RJ. Species differences in the expression of AHI1, a protein implicated in the neurodevelopmental disorder Joubert syndrome, with preferential accumulation to stigmoid bodies. J. Comp. Neurol., 511:238-256, 2008.

Ferland RJ, Eyaid W, Collura RV, Tully LD, Hill RS, Al-Nouri D, Al-Rumayyan A, Topcu M, Gascon G, Bodell A, Shugart YY, Ruvolo M, and Walsh CA. Abnormal cerebellar development and axonal decussation due to mutations in AHI1 in Joubert Syndrome. Nature Genet., 36:1008-1013, 2004.


Book Chapters:

Löscher W, Ferland RJ, Ferraro TN. Strain effects on expression of seizures and epilepsy. In: Models of Seizure and Epilepsy, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Academic Press (2017) pp. 21-38.  ISBN 9780128040669

Hua K, Bourgeois JR, Ferland RJ. Joubert syndrome. In: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier (2017) pp. 1-8.   ISBN 9780128093245

Ferland RJ, Walsh CA. The genetics of Joubert syndrome: Insights into the development of the posterior midline of the brain.  In: Squire, LR (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.  San Diego: Academic Press (2009) pp. 249-256.

Applegate CD, Burchfiel JL, Ferland RJ, Nierenberg J.   The role of rhinencephalic networks in the late stages of kindling.  In: Corcoran, M and Moshe, S (Eds.) Kindling 5.  New York: Raven Press  (1998)  pp. 151-165.

Invited Editorials:

Ferland RJ and Guerrini R.  Nodular heterotopia is built upon layers. Neurology, 73: 742-743, 2009.

Ferland R and Hua K. Referee Report For: Murine Cep290 phenotypes are modified by genetic backgrounds and provide an impetus for investigating disease modifier alleles [version 1; referees: 2 approved] F1000Research 2015, 4:590 (doi: 10.5256/f1000research.7495.r10185)

Hua K and Ferland RJ. Primary cilia: the story of the hair-like organelle that signals just became more complicated. Atlas of science, 2019. https://atlasofscience.org/primary-cilia-the-story-of-the-hair-like-organelle-that-signals-just-became-more-complicated/

Charilaos (Harry) Filippakis, PhD
  • Assistant Professor
  • cfilippakis@une.edu
  • Interests: Mechanisms of aberrant mTORC1 activation; Macropinocytosis; Metabolic reprograming in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) and Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM); Cancer metabolism
  • https://filippakislab.org/


Wang J, Filippakis H, Hougard T, Du H, Ye C, Liu HJ, Zhang L, Hindi K, Bagwe S, Nijmeh J, Asara JM, Shi W, El-Chemaly S, Henske EP, Lam HC. Interleukin-6 mediates PSAT1 expression and serine metabolism in TSC2-deficient cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Sep 28;118(39). doi: 10.1073/pnas.2101268118. PubMed PMID: 34544857; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8488612.

Belaid A, Filippakis H. Quantitative Assessment of Macropinocytosis in mTORC1-Hyperactive Cells using Flow Cytometry. J Vis Exp. 2021 Aug 2;(174). doi: 10.3791/62793. PubMed PMID: 34398147.

Kovalenko A, Sanin A, Kosmas K, Zhang L, Wang J, Akl EW, Giannikou K, Probst CK, Hougard TR, Rue RW, Krymskaya VP, Asara JM, Lam HC, Kwiatkowski DJ, Henske EP, Filippakis H. Therapeutic Targeting of DGKA-Mediated Macropinocytosis Leads to Phospholipid Reprogramming in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Cancer Res. 2021 Apr 15;81(8):2086-2100. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-2218. Epub 2021 Feb 16. PubMed PMID: 33593821; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8137542.

Filippakis H, Belaid A, Siroky B, Wu C, Alesi N, Hougard T, Nijmeh J, Lam HC, Henske EP. Vps34-mediated macropinocytosis in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2-deficient cells supports tumorigenesis. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 21;8(1):14161. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32256-x. PubMed PMID: 30242175; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6155086.

Filippakis H, Alesi N, Ogorek B, Nijmeh J, Khabibullin D, Gutierrez C, Valvezan AJ, Cunningham J, Priolo C, Henske EP. Lysosomal regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in tuberous sclerosis complex is mediated via NPC1 and LDL-R. Oncotarget. 2017 Jun 13;8(24):38099-38112. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17485. PubMed PMID: 28498820; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5503518.

Diana Goode, PhD
  • Assistant Professor
  • dgoode@une.edu
  • Interests: Neuron-CD4+ T cell communication; Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy


Expression of MHC II in DRG neurons attenuates paclitaxel-induced cold hypersensitivity in male and female mice. Whitaker EE, Mecum NE, Cott RC, Goode DJ. PLoS One. 2024 Feb 8;19(2):e0298396. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.

Immunotherapy, a new approach for the treatment of human pain. Goode DJ. Pain. 2023 Nov 16. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003107.

Ovariectomy increases paclitaxel-induced mechanical hypersensitivity and reduces anti-inflammatory CD4+ T cells in the dorsal root ganglion of female mice. Goode DJ, Whitaker EE, Mecum NE. J Neuroimmunol. 2022 Apr 22;367:577878. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2022.577878.

Regulation of mitochondrial function by Epac2 contributes to acute inflammatory hyperalgesia. Goode DJ and Molliver DCJ Neurosci. 2021; 41(13):2883-2898.

Phospho-substrate profiling of Epac-dependent protein kinase C activity.  Goode DJ, Molliver DC.  Mol Cell Biochem. 2019; 456(1-2):167-178.

A Novel Mechanism for Zika Virus Host-Cell Binding.  Rieder CA, Rieder J, Sannajust S, Goode DGeguchadze R, Relich RF, Molliver DCKing TEVaughn JMay M.  Viruses. 2019; 11(12):1101.

Eliza Grlickova-Duzevik, MD, PhD
  • Clinical Assistant Professor
  • egrlickovaduzevik@une.edu
  • Interests: Bioinformatics; Neuroscience; Molecular and cellular biology; Culinary Medicine


Members of the CUGBP Elav-like family of RNA-binding proteins are expressed in distinct populations of primary sensory neurons. Grlickova-Duzevik E, Reimonn TM, Michael M, Tian T, Owyoung J, McGrath-Conwell A, Neufeld P, Mueth M, Molliver DC, Ward PJ, Harrison BJ. J Comp Neurol. 2023 Oct;531(14):1425-1442. doi: 10.1002/cne.25520.

Benjamin J. Harrison, PhD
  • Associate Professor
  • bharrison2@une.edu
  • Interests: Neuroplasticity; Genomics; Bioinformatics


Members of the CUGBP Elav-like family of RNA-binding proteins are expressed in distinct populations of primary sensory neurons. Grlickova-Duzevik E, Reimonn TM, Michael M, Tian T, Owyoung J, McGrath-Conwell A, Neufeld P, Mueth M, Molliver DC, Ward PJ, Harrison BJ. J Comp Neurol. 2023 Oct;531(14):1425-1442. doi: 10.1002/cne.25520.

Longitudinal RNA Sequencing of Skin and DRG Neurons in Mice with Paclitaxel-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Cirrincione AM, Reimonn CA, Harrison BJ, Rieger S. Data (Basel). 2022  Jun;7(6):72.

Detection of Differentially Expressed Cleavage Site Intervals Within 3′ Untranslated Regions Using CSI-UTR Reveals Regulated Interaction Motifs.  Harrison BJ, Park JW, Gomes C, Petruska JC, Sapio MR, Iadarola MJ, Chariker JH, Rouchka EC.  Front Genet. 2019; 10:182.

Neuropathy and neural plasticity in the subcutaneous white adipose depot.  Blaszkiewicz M, Willows JW, Dubois AL, Waible S, DiBello K, Lyons LL, Johnson CP, Paradie E, Banks N, Motyl K, Michael M, Harrison B, Townsend KL.  PLoS One. 2019; 14(9):e0221766.

Karen L. Houseknecht, PhD
  • Professor; Associate Provost for Research
  • khouseknecht@une.edu
  • Interests: Integration of neuroscience/metabolism (diabetes); Efficacy & side effects of psychiatric medications and drugs of abuse; Treatment of metabolic syndrome, psychosis & pain-based diseases


Inhibiting spinal cord-specific hsp90 isoforms reveals a novel strategy to improve the therapeutic index of opioid treatment. Duron DI, Tanguturi P, Campbell CS, Chou K, Bejarano P, Gabriel KA, Bowden JL, Mishra S, Brackett C, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL, Blagg BSJ, Streicher JM. Sci Rep. 2024 Jun 26;14(1):14715. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-65637-6.

Thermoneutral housing does not rescue olanzapine-induced trabecular bone loss in C57BL/6J female mice. Langlais AL, Mountain RV, Kunst RF, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL, Motyl KJ. Biochimie. 2023 May 24:S0300-9084(23)00098-6.  doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2023.05.002.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and mental illness: Mechanisms linking mood, metabolism and medicines. Gangopadhyay A, Ibrahim R, Theberge K, May M, Houseknecht KL. Front Neurosci. 2022 Nov 15;16:1042442.

Discovery of κ Opioid Receptor (KOR)-Selective d-Tetrapeptides with Improved In Vivo Antinociceptive Effect after Peripheral Administration. Stefanucci A, Della Valle A, Scioli G, Marinaccio L, Pieretti S, Minosi P, Szucs E, Benyhe S, Masci D, Tanguturi P, Chou K, Barlow D, Houseknecht K, Streicher JM, Mollica A. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2022 Oct 17;13(11):1707-1714.

Sustained Morphine Delivery Suppresses Bone Formation and Alters Metabolic and Circulating miRNA Profiles in Male C57BL/6J Mice. Carvalho AL, Brooks DJ, Barlow D, Langlais AL, Morrill B, Houseknecht KL, Bouxsein ML, Lian JB, King T, Farina NH, Motyl KJ. J Bone Miner Res. 2022 Aug 27.

Propranolol promotes bone formation and limits resorption through novel mechanisms during anabolic parathyroid hormone treatment in female C57BL/6J mice. Treyball A, Bergeron AC, Brooks DJ, Langlais AL, Hashmi H, Nagano K, Barlow D, Neilson RJ, Roy TA, Nevola KT, Houseknecht KL, Baron R, Bouxsein ML, Guntur AR, Motyl KJ. J Bone Miner Res. 2022 Feb 5.

Housing Temperature Influences Atypical Antipsychotic Drug-Induced Bone Loss in Female C57BL/6J Mice. Kunst RF, Langlais AL, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL, Motyl KJ. JBMR Plus. 2021 Sep 7;5(10):e10541.

Potent, Efficacious, and Stable Cyclic Opioid Peptides with Long Lasting Antinociceptive Effect after Peripheral Administration.  Stefanucci A, Dimmito MP, Macedonio G, Ciarlo L, Pieretti S, Novellino E, Lei W, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL, Streicher JM, Mollica A.  J Med Chem. 2020; 63(5):2673-2687.

Exploring mechanisms of increased cardiovascular disease risk with antipsychotic medications: Risperidone alters the cardiac proteomic signature in mice.  Beauchemin M, Geguchadze R, Guntur AR, Nevola K, Le PT, Barlow D, Rue M, Vary CPH, Lary CW, Motyl KJ, Houseknecht KL.  Pharmacol Res. 2020; 152:104589.

Antipsychotic-induced immune dysfunction: A consideration for COVID-19 risk.  May M, Slitzky M, Rostama B, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL.  Brain Behav Immun Health. 2020; 6:100097.

Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of 5′-Aryl-14-alkoxypyridomorphinans: Identification of a μ Opioid Receptor Agonist/δ Opioid Receptor Antagonist Ligand with Systemic Antinociceptive Activity and Diminished Opioid Side Effects.  Vekariya RH, Lei W, Ray A, Saini SK, Zhang S, Molnar G, Barlow D, Karlage KL, Bilsky EJ, Houseknecht KL, Largent-Milnes TM, Streicher JM, Ananthan S.  J Med Chem. 2020; 63(14):7663-7694.

Deletion of α-Synuclein in Prrx1-positive cells causes partial loss of function in the central nervous system (CNS) but does not affect ovariectomy induced bone loss.  Figueroa CA, Bajgain P, Stohn JP, Hernandez A, Brooks DJ, Houseknecht KL, Rosen CJ.  Bone. 2020; 137:115428.

Association of Beta Blocker Use With Bone Mineral Density in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study: A Cross-Sectional Study. Lary CW, Hinton AC, Nevola KT, Shireman TI, Motyl KJ, Houseknecht KL, Lucas FL, Hallen S, Zullo AR, Berry SD, Kiel DP. JBMR Plus. 2020; 4(9):e10388.

Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in Mental Illness: Risperidone and Olanzapine Alter the Hepatic Proteomic Signature in Mice. Rostama B, Beauchemin M, Bouchard C, Bernier E, Vary CPH, May MHouseknecht KL. Int J Mol Sci. 2020; 21(24):E9362.

The antipsychotic medication, risperidone, causes global immunosuppression in healthy mice.  May M, Beauchemin M, Vary C, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL.  PLoS One. 2019; 14(6):e0218937.

Polymicrobial abscess following ovariectomy in a mouse.   Eaton VE, Pettit S, Elkinson A, Houseknecht KLKing TEMay M.  BMC Vet Res. 2019; 15(1):364.


David W. Johnson, PhD
  • Associate Professor
  • Johnson@une.edu
Sean Kilgallen, MB, BCh, BAO
  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • skilgallen@une.edu
  • Interests: Medical education research


Making the Connection: Using Concept Mapping to Bring the Basic Sciences to the Diagnosis.  Spicer DBThompson KHKilgallen SM.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):524-528.

Tamara King, PhD
  • Professor
  • tking6@une.edu
  • Interests: Mechanisms underlying cancer-induced bone pain; Mechanisms underlying advanced osteoarthritis-induced pain


A peptidomimetic modulator of the CaV2.2 N-type calcium channel for chronic pain. Gomez K, Santiago U, Nelson TS, Allen HN, Calderon-Rivera A, Hestehave S, Rodríguez Palma EJ, Zhou Y, Duran P, Loya-Lopez S, Zhu E, Kumar U, Shields R, Koseli E, McKiver B, Giuvelis D, Zuo W, Inyang KE, Dorame A, Chefdeville A, Ran D, Perez-Miller S, Lu Y, Liu X, Handoko, Arora PS, Patek M, Moutal A, Khanna M, Hu H, Laumet G, King T, Wang J, Damaj MI, Korczeniewska OA, Camacho CJ, Khanna R. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Nov 21;120(47):e2305215120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2305215120.

Sustained Morphine Delivery Suppresses Bone Formation and Alters Metabolic and Circulating miRNA Profiles in Male C57BL/6J Mice. Carvalho AL, Brooks DJ, Barlow D, Langlais AL, Morrill B, Houseknecht KL, Bouxsein ML, Lian JB, King T, Farina NH, Motyl KJ. J Bone Miner Res. 2022 Aug 27.

Voluntary exercise blocks ongoing pain and diminishes bone remodeling while sparing protective mechanical pain in a rat model of advanced osteoarthritis pain. Townsend K, Imbert I, Eaton V, Stevenson GW, King TPain. 2022 Mar 1;163(3):e476-e487.

Effects of Vancomycin on Persistent Pain-Stimulated and Pain-Depressed Behaviors in Female Fischer Rats With or Without Voluntary Access to Running Wheels. Payne E, Harrington K, Richard P, Brackin R, Davis R, Couture S, Liff J, Asmus F, Mutina E, Fisher A, Giuvelis D, Sannajust S, Rostama B, King T, Mattei LM, Lee JJ, Friedman ES, Bittinger K, May M, Stevenson GW. J Pain. 2021 May 21:S1526-5900(21)00234-0.

Pros and Cons of Clinically Relevant Methods to Assess Pain in Rodents.  Tappe-Theodor A, King T, Morgan MM.  Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2019; 100:335-343.

Females have greater susceptibility to develop ongoing pain and central sensitization in a rat model of temporomandibular joint pain.  Sannajust S, Imbert I, Eaton V, Henderson T, Liaw L, May M, Barbe MF, King T.  Pain. 2019; 160(9):2036-2049.

TIMP-1 Attenuates the Development of Inflammatory Pain Through MMP-Dependent and Receptor-Mediated Cell Signaling Mechanisms.  Knight BE, Kozlowski N, Havelin J, King T, Crocker SJ, Young EE, Baumbauer KM.  Front Mol Neurosci. 2019; 12:220.

Polymicrobial abscess following ovariectomy in a mouse.   Eaton VE, Pettit S, Elkinson A, Houseknecht KLKing TEMay M.  BMC Vet Res. 2019; 15(1):364.

A Novel Mechanism for Zika Virus Host-Cell Binding.  Rieder CA, Rieder J, Sannajust S, Goode DGeguchadze R, Relich RF, Molliver DCKing TEVaughn JMay M.  Viruses. 2019; 11(12):1101.

Kin S. Ly, PharmD, EdD
  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • kly@une.edu
  • Interests: Medical education research Research in Pharmacoeconomics
Geoffrey McCullen, MD
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • gmccullen@une.edu
  • Interests:

    Dr Geoff McCullen is a fellowship trained orthopedic spine surgeon and a clinical anatomist. He is certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and is a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

    Educated at Williams College (BA, Chemistry), he received a United States Navy Health Professions Scholarship to attend the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, graduating with distinction.

    Dr McCullen completed surgical internship/residency (University of Texas Southwestern), orthopedic residency (Dartmouth), and spine fellowship (State University of New York). He then served on active duty as the chief of spine surgery, director of research and orthopedic faculty member at the Naval Medical San Diego and the University of California San Diego before establishing a multidisciplinary spine private practice in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1999.

    In 2013, Dr McCullen earned a Master of Healthcare Delivery Science at Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business. In 2014, he founded OneHealth Nebraska, an independent physician association with more than 300 members.

    In 2017, Dr. McCullen moved to Maine and joined the VA serving veterans with orthopedic and spine problems. He has served as the Surgical Preceptor for medical students and the Chief of Orthopedics at VA Maine.

    He has coauthored a book, Hip and Knee Replacement, A Patient’s guide (WW Norton Publishers) and authored 9 chapters in spine surgery textbooks and 17 articles in peer reviewed medical journals. He serves on the Editorial Review Board for The Spine Journal.



“Disc and Nucleus Replacement: Basic Science and Clinical Results”
McCullen GM and Yuan HA
The Spine (5th Edition)
Saunders, Elsevier Publisher 2006

“Principles of Endoscopic Techniques to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine”
McCullen GM, Criscitiello A, Yuan HA
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (2nd Edition)
Springer Publishers 2006

“Principles of Transthoracic, Transperitoneal, and Retroperitoneal Endoscopic Techniques in the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine”
McCullen GM and Yuan HA
Arthroscopic and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery (2nd Edition)
Humana Press 2005

“Complication Avoidance and Management”
Sagi HC, Yuan HA, McCullen GM
Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty
Thieme Medical Publishers 2005

“Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement: Rationale and Biomechanics”
McCullen GM, Yuan HA
The Lumbar Spine (3rd edition)
Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins 2004

“Artificial disc: Current developments in artificial disc replacement”
McCullen GM, Yuan HA
Current opinion in Orthopaedics 2003, 14:138-143

“Spinal Biomechanics”
McCullen, GM, Ordway, N, Yuan, HA
Mosby 2002

“Spinal Fusion: Biological and Mechanical Considerations”
McCullen, GM, Kilambi, N, Garfin, SR
Mosby 2002

“Spine update: cervical spine internal fixation using screw and screw-plate constructs”
McCullen GM, Garfin SR
Spine 2000 Mar 1:25(5): 643-52

“The iliolumbar ligament: three-dimensional volume imaging and computer reformatting by magnetic resonance: a technical note”
Hartford JM, McCullen GM, Harris R, Brown CC
Spine 2000 May 1: 25(9): 1098-103

“Cervical spine injuries in football players”
Thomas BE, McCullen GM, Yuan HA
J Am Acad Ortho Surg. 1999 Sep-Oct;7(5): 338-47

“Epidural lipomatosis complicating lumbar steroid injections”
McCullen GM, Spurling GR, Webster JS
J Spinal Disord. 1999 Dec; 12(6): 526-9

“Thoracic and lumbar trauma. Rationale for fusion technique”
McCullen GM, Garfin SR, Vaccaro A
Orthopedic Clinics of North America 1998 Vol 26(4); 813-28

“Osteomyelitis of the spinous process”
Bouoncristiani A, McCullen GM, Shin A, Bathgate B, Akbarnia B
Spine 1998 23(7): 389-841

“Cervical trauma. Rationale for treatment”
Vaccaro A, McCullen GM, Garfin SR.
Orthopedic Clinics of North America. 1998. Vol 29(4) 745-54.

“Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries”
McCullen GM, Fredrickson BE, Yuan, HA
Principles and Techniques of Spine Surgery.
Williams and Wilkins 1998

“Arthroscopic microdiscectomy: comparison of preoperative and postoperative imaging” studies.  Casey KF, Chang MK, O’Brien ED, Yuan HA, McCullen GM, Schaffer J, Kambin P
Arthroscopy. 1997 Aug; 13(4): 438-45

“Minimally invasive arthroscopic spinal surgery”
Kambin P, Parke W, Regan J, Shaffer J, Yuan, H, McCullen GM
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Instructional Course lectures. 1997

“Low Back Pain”
McCullen GM, Yuan HA
Conn’s Current Therapy
WB Saunders Co 1997

“Hip and Knee Replacement: A patient guide”
McCullen GM, Miller R
WW Norton Publishers, New York 1996

“The artificial disc; theory, design and materials”
Bao QB, McCullen GM, Higham PA, Dumbleton JH, Yuan HA
Biomaterials. 1996 Jun;17(12): 1157-67

“Seizure-induced lumbar burst fracture”
Youssef JA, McCullen GM, Brown CC
Spine 1995 Jun 1; 20 (11): 1301-3

“Percutaneous arthroscopic discectomy”
McCullen GM, Yuan HA, Fredrickson BE
Spine Letters 1995 Vol 2 (1)

“Cotrel-Dubousset and Texas Scottish Rite instrumentations in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A comparison of operative correction and perioperative variables”
McCullen GM, Banta JV, Mencio G, Smith BG
Techniques in Orthopaedics 1995; 10(1): 9-18

“Seizure-induced thoracic burst fractures. A case report”
McCullen GM, Brown CC
Spine 1994 Jan 1; 19 (1): 77-9

“Clinical and roentgenographic results of decompression for lumbar spinal stenosis”
McCullen GM, Bernini PM, Bernstein SH, Tosteson TD
J Spinal Disord. 1994 Oct; 7(5):380-7

Ian D. Meng, PhD
  • Professor; Director, Ctr – Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Center for Pain Research; Director, Ctr – Excellence in the Neurosciences
  • imeng@une.edu
  • Interests: Dry eye disease; Trigeminal pain; Neuroplasticity and chronic pain


Evidence for a phenotypic switch in corneal afferents after lacrimal gland excision. Sullivan C, Lee J, Bushey W, Demers D, Dinsdale S, Lowe K, Olmega J, Meng ID. Exp Eye Res. 2022 Feb 28:109005.

Optogenetic Inhibition of Nav1.8 Expressing Corneal Afferents Reduces Persistent Dry Eye Pain.  Mecum NE, Russell R, Lee J, Sullivan C, Meng ID.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Nov 1;62(14):15.

Lacrimal gland excision in male and female mice causes ocular pain and anxiety-like behaviors. Mecum NE, Demers D, Sullivan CE, Denis TE, Kalliel JR, Meng ID. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 14;10(1):17225.

Antinociceptive properties of an isoform-selective inhibitor of Nav1.7 derived from saxitoxin in mouse models of pain. Beckley JT, Pajouhesh H, Luu G, Klas S, Delwig A, Monteleone D, Zhou X, Giuvelis D, Meng ID, Yeomans DC, Hunter JC, Mulcahy JV. Pain. 2020 Oct 15.

Progesterone Application to the Rat Forehead Produces Corneal Antinociception.  Meng ID, Barton ST, Goodney I, Russell R, Mecum NE.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019; 60(5):1706-1713.

Dry eye sensitizes cool cells to capsaicin-induced changes in activity via TRPV1.  Hatta A, Kurose M, Sullivan C, Okamoto K, Fujii N, Yamamura K, Meng ID.  J Neurophysiol. 2019; 121(6):2191-2201.

Evaluation of Corneal Damage After Lacrimal Gland Excision in Male and Female Mice.  Mecum NE, Cyr D, Malon J, Demers D, Cao LMeng ID.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019; 60(10):3264-3274.

Derek Molliver, PhD
  • Professor; Director, Ctr – Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Center for Cell Signaling
  • dmolliver@une.edu
  • Interests: Cell signaling; Mitochondrial dynamics; Proteomics in chronic pain


Members of the CUGBP Elav-like family of RNA-binding proteins are expressed in distinct populations of primary sensory neurons. Grlickova-Duzevik E, Reimonn TM, Michael M, Tian T, Owyoung J, McGrath-Conwell A, Neufeld P, Mueth M, Molliver DC, Ward PJ, Harrison BJ. J Comp Neurol. 2023 Oct;531(14):1425-1442. doi: 10.1002/cne.25520.

Regulation of mitochondrial function by Epac2 contributes to acute inflammatory hyperalgesia. Goode DJ and Molliver DCJ Neurosci. 2021; 41(13):2883-2898.

Phospho-substrate profiling of Epac-dependent protein kinase C activity.  Goode DJ, Molliver DC.  Mol Cell Biochem. 2019; 456(1-2):167-178.

A Novel Mechanism for Zika Virus Host-Cell Binding.  Rieder CA, Rieder J, Sannajust S, Goode DGeguchadze R, Relich RF, Molliver DCKing TEVaughn JMay M.  Viruses. 2019; 11(12):1101.

Peter Morganelli, PhD
  • Clinical Professor
  • pmorganelli@une.edu
Luis F. Queme, MD, PhD
    • Assistant Professor
    • lqueme@une.edu
    • Interests: Peripheral mechanisms of the transition from acute to chronic pain, effect of stress in the development of muscle pain, Peripheral neuroimmune interactions


A novel potential strategy for the treatment of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Queme, Luis F. PAIN ():10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003007, July 28, 2023. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003007

Queme LF, Jankowski MP. Chapter: Electrophysiological recordings on muscle primary sensory neurons using a muscle-nerve-dorsal root ganglion-spinal cord ex-vivo preparation. Book: Contemporary approaches to the study of pain: from molecules to neural networks. Editor: Rebecca Seal. Publisher: Springer Nature. 2022.

Disruption of Hyaluronic Acid in Skeletal Muscle Induces Decreased Voluntary Activity via Chemosensitive Muscle Afferent Sensitization in Male Mice. Queme LF, Dourson AJ, Hofmann MC, Butterfield A, Paladini RD, Jankowski MP.  ENEURO. 0522-21.2022; DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0522-21.2022

In silico Identification of Key Factors Driving the Response of Muscle Sensory Neurons to Noxious Stimuli. Nagaraja S, Queme LF, Hofmann MC, Tewari SG, Jankowski MP, Reifman J. Front. Neurosci. 2021 Sept. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2021.719735

A role for peripheral GDNF signaling in ischemic myalgia development. Queme LF, Weyler AA, Cohen ER, Hudgins RC, Jankowski MP. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2020 Jan, 117 (1) 698-707; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1910905116

Sex differences and mechanisms of muscle pain. Queme LF, Jankowski MP. Curr Opin Physiol. 2019 Oct; 11:1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.cophys.2019.03.006 Epub 2019 Apr 2

A histone deacetylase 3-dependent pathway delimits peripheral myelin growth and functional regeneration. He X, Zhang L, Queme LF, Liu X, Lu A, Waclaw RR, Dong X, Zhou W, Kidd G, Yoon SO, Buonanno A, Rubin JB, Xin M, Nave KA, Trapp BD, Jankowski MP, Lu QR. Nat Med. 2018 Mar;24(3):338-351. DOI: 10.1038/nm.4483

Peripheral Mechanisms of Ischemic Myalgia. Queme LF, Ross JL, Jankowski MP. Front Cell Neurosci. 2017 Dec 22;11:419. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00419

Dual modulation of nociception and cardiovascular reflexes during peripheral ischemia through P2Y1 receptor dependent sensitization of muscle afferents. Queme LF, Ross JL, Lu P, Hudgins RC and Jankowski MP. J Neurosci. 2016; 36(1):19-30. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2856-15.2016

Sensitization of group III and IV muscle afferents in the mouse after ischemia and reperfusion injury. Ross JL, Queme LF, Shank AT, Hudgins RC, Jankowski MP. J Pain. 2014; 15(12):1257-70. DOI:10.1016/j.jpain.2014.09.003

Upregulated Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor Through Cyclooxygenase-2 Activation in the Muscle is Required for Mechanical Hyperalgesia After Exercise in Rats. Murase S, Terazawa E, Hirate K, Yamanaka H, Kanda H, Noguchi K, Ota H, Queme F, Taguchi T, Mizumura K. J Physiol. 2013 Jun 15;591(12):3035-48. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.249235

Bradykinin and Nerve Growth Factor Play Pivotal Roles in Muscular Mechanical Hyperalgesia After Exercise (Delayed-onset Muscle Soreness). Murase S, Terazawa E, Queme F, Ota H, Matsuda T, Hirate K, Kozaki Y, Katanosaka K, Taguchi T, Urai H, Mizumura K. J Neurosci. 2010 Mar 10;30(10):3752-61. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3803-09.2010

Tyler Redway, PhD
  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • tredway@une.edu
  • Interests:

I am a triple graduate of The Ohio State University, where I focused on teaching human anatomy to all levels of students and expanding the Division of Anatomy’s Anatomy Outreach Program. This program’s primary objective was to reach high school-level students in anatomy and physiology classrooms and provide them with a hands-on learning experience in the donor lab. These outreach sessions provide students with opportunities to learn about human anatomy outside of the textbook, interact with content experts, and learn about related education and career opportunities. Through this work, I found a passion for teaching and creating a safe space for more people to learn about the wonders of the human body. My research has focused on the presence and methods of existing Anatomy Educational Outreach Programs (AEOPs) in the United States and some of the impacts of the OSU AEOP on students’ interests and attitudes toward human anatomy. At UNE, I hope to continue this work with the community so that I may expand our understanding of AEOPs, how they operate and impact our participants, and build resources for new and existing programs.


Anatomy Outreach Days: One Approach to Large-Scale Anatomy Outreach Events. Redway TH, Hanna P, Loomis B, Quinn MM. HAPS Educator. 2023;27(2):18-35. doi.org/10.21692/haps.2023.014

Science Outreach: Six Examples of Programs That Enrich the Learning Environments of Students and Educators. Cook, D. P., Steed, K., Read, C., Baysarowich, R., Redway, T., Robineau-Charette, P., & Carnegie, J. (2020). HAPS Educator. https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2020.107

Rebecca Rowe, PhD
  • Associate Professor
  • rrowe@une.edu
  • Interests: Medical education research


Creating a Culture of Teaching and Learning. McKell D, Ely S, Ausel E, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Brenneman A, Brooks W, Garwood S, Habal S, Haight M, Hernandez M, Ikonne U, Porter R, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T. Med Sci Educ. 2024 Jul 3;34(4):961-966. doi: 10.1007/s40670-024-02103-y.

Brains, Bots, and Beyond: Exploring AI’s Impact on Medical Education. McKell D, Rowe R, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, S Brooks W, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Habal S, Haight M, Haudek SB, Hernandez M, Ikonne U, Porter R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T. Med Sci Educ. 2024 Feb 13;34(2):505-509. doi: 10.1007/s40670-024-01997-y.

One World, One Health: Tackling the Global Health Crisis. Haight M, Ausel E, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Ely S, Garwood S, Habal S, Hernandez M, Ikonne U, McKell D, Porter R, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T. Med Sci Educ. 2024 Apr 11;34(3):717-721. doi: 10.1007/s40670-024-02038-4.

Widening the Road to Health Professions Education: Expanding Access for Diverse and Underserved Populations. Belovich AN, Taylor TAH, Bahner I, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Habal S, Haight M, Haudek SB, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Porter R, Rowe R, Thesen T. Med Sci Educ. 2023 Nov 16;34(1):273-276. doi: 10.1007/s40670-023-01943-4.

Not Just Fun and Games: Game-Based Learning in Health Professions Education. Thesen T, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Habal S, Haight M, Haudek SB, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Taylor TAH. Med Sci Educ. 2023 Aug 24;33(5):1301-1306. doi: 10.1007/s40670-023-01859-z.

The Struggle Is Real: Breaking Barriers that Limit Student Success. Haight MA, Bahner I, Belovich AL, Bonaminio G, Brooks WS, Chin C, Habal S, El-Sawi N, Haudek SB, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Porter R, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T. Med Sci Educ. 2023 Jan 18;33(1):311-315.  doi: 10.1007/s40670-023-01732-z

To Infinity and Beyond: Expanding the Scope of Basic Sciences in Meeting Accreditation Standards. Haudek SB, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Habal S, Haight M, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T. Med Sci Educ. 2022 Aug 4;32(5):1239-1245.

How Science Educators Still Matter: Leveraging the Basic Sciences for Student Success. Haudek SB, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Habal S, Haight M, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T, Vari RC. Med Sci Educ. 2022 May 4:1-7. doi: 10.1007/s40670-022-01549-2.

Back to the Future: Maximizing Student Learning and Wellbeing in the Virtual Age. Belovich AN, Bahner I, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Habal S, Haight M, Haudek SB, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Thesen T, Vari RC. Med Sci Educ. 2022 Feb 10:1-7.

Strategies for Promoting Inclusivity in Health Sciences Education.  Haight MA, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Haudek SB, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Slivkoff M, Taylor TAH, Vari RC. Med Sci Educ. 2021 Sep 10:1-4.

USMLE Step-1 is Going to Pass/Fail, Now What Do We Do? Belovich AN, Bahner I, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Haight M, Haudek SB, Ikonne U, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Vari RC. Med Sci Educ. 2021 Jun 4:1-6.

Admissions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Navigating an Altered Landscape for Successful Selection of Future Healthcare Providers. Belovich AN, Bahner I, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Haight M, Haudek SB, McAuley RJ, McKell D, Rowe R, Taylor TAH, Slivkoff MD, Vari RC. Med Sci Educ. 2021 Feb 23:1-4.

Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education: Health System Sciences (HSS). Rowe RJ, Bahner I, Belovich AN, Bonaminio G, Brenneman A, Brooks WS, Chinn C, El-Sawi N, Haudek SB, Haight M, McAuley R, Slivkoff MD, Vari RC. Med Sci Edu. 2020; 16:1-6.

Mark Schuenke, PhD
  • Professor and Associate Chair
  • mschuenke@une.edu
  • Interests: Anatomical and biomechanical relationships related to lumbopelvic pain; Peripheral nerve entrapment; Countermeasures to age-related muscle atrophy and diabetes


Anococcygeal Nerve and Sitting Pain: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Results.  Alimehmeti RH, Schuenke MD, Dellon AL.  Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Oct 7.

Report on 7 Years’ Experience Implementing an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum for Osteopathic Medical Students Using Entrustable Professional Activities.  Reynolds TS, Frothingham C, Carreiro JE, Branda A, Schuenke MDTucker KLDaly FWillard FH.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):529-539.

Form and Force Closure of the Sacroiliac Joints.  Vleeming A, Schuenke M.  PM R. 2019; 11(Suppl 1):S24-S31.

Kyle Scully, PhD
  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • kscully3@une.edu
  • Interests: Prehospital emergency medicine; Natural products
Douglas B. Spicer, PhD
  • Professor
  • dspicer@une.edu
  • Interests: Innovations in medical education; Active learning pedagogies in medical education; Clinical reasoning


Teaching Biochemistry to Students of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy 9th International Conference of the Association of Biochemistry Educators (ABE) Kiawah Island, South Carolina, April 30-May 4, 2023.  Franklin DS, Richardson C, Eisenmann KM, Simmons JM, Fong SFT, Spicer DB, Sadik A, Dahlman KB. Med Sci Educ. 2023 Sep 28;33(6):1439-1444. doi: 10.1007/s40670-023-01889-7.

TEXTBOOK: Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms. (first edition). Emine E. Abali, Roy Carman, Douglas Spicer. Wolters Kluwer, ISBN/ISSN: 9781975191474

Raising Capacity to Address Mental Health Concerns in Costa Rica. O’Mara TA, Angstman K, Spicer DB, Campos E, Erbs NC, Furst JW, Williams MD. Cureus. 2022 Dec 13; 14(12):e32481.

Teaching Biochemistry to Students of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy: 8th International Conference of the Association of Biochemistry Educators (ABE) Virtual Conference, May 3-7, 2021.  Simmons JM, Franklin DS, Dahlman KB, Symes K, Viselli SM, Diaz-Cruz ES, Fong SFT, Spicer DBMed Sci Educ. 2021 Sep 20:1-4.

Making the Connection: Using Concept Mapping to Bring the Basic Sciences to the Diagnosis.  Spicer DBThompson KHKilgallen SM.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):524-528.

Medical biochemistry without rote memorization: multi-institution implementation and student perceptions of a nationally standardized metabolic map for learning and assessment.  Spicer DBThompson KH, Tong M, Cowan TM, Fulton TB, Lindsley JE. Med Sci Edu. 2019; 29(1):87-92.

Joel M. Talsma, MS
  • Clinical Assistant Professor
  • jtalsma@une.edu
  • Interests: Surgical approaches in pediatric surgery; Neurovascular anatomy of human joints; Relationship of fascia and connective tissue in sports related injuries


Investigation of the anatomical course of articular branches to the thoracic zygapophysial joints. Talsma JM, Maus TP, Chitneni A, Hao D. Interventional Pain Medicine. 2024 Mar;3(1):100399. doi.org/10.1016/j.inpm.2024.100399

Forgotten Branch of the Intercostal Nerve: Implication for Cryoablation Nerve Block for Pectus Excavatum Repair. Talsma J, Kusakavitch M, Lee D, Niederhauser C, Palmer B, Ozgediz D, Idowu O, Kim S. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 May 16:S0022-3468(23)00294-4.  doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.05.006

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Low Back Pain.  Ponna V, Talsma J, Pierce-Talsma S.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(6):e84-e85.

Hypertension: An Osteopathic Perspective.  Prieto H, Pena N, Shubrook JH, Talsma J.  The AAO Journal. 2020; 30(2): 27-34.

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Inhaled Rib Somatic Dysfunction.  Koch J, Tsui C, Talsma J, Pierce-Talsma S.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020 Jul 28.

Kerry L. Tucker, PhD
  • Associate Professor
  • ktucker2@une.edu
  • Interests: Primary cilia and pain processing; Primary cilia and brain development and function; Mouse models of congenital heart defects


A cell-autonomous role for primary cilium-mediated signaling in long-range commissural axon guidance.  Dumoulin A, Wilson NH, Tucker KL, Stoeckli ET. Development. 2024 Aug 19:dev.202788. doi: 10.1242/dev.202788.

Electrophysiological phenotyping of left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy in pediatric populations: A systematic review.  Fitzsimons LA, Kneeland-Barber DM, Hannigan GC, Karpe DA, Wu L, Colon M, Randall J, Tucker KL. Physiol Rep. 2024 May;12(9):e16029. doi: 10.14814/phy2.16029.

Primary cilia are critical for tracheoesophageal septation. Fitzsimons LA, Tasouri E, Willaredt MA, Stetson D, Gojak C, Kirsch J, Gardner HAR, Gorgas K, Tucker KL. Dev Dyn. 2023 Sep 30. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.660.

Hedgehog Morphogens Act as Growth Factors Critical to Pre- and Postnatal Cardiac Development and Maturation: How Primary Cilia Mediate Their Signal Transduction. Fitzsimons LA, Brewer VL, Tucker KL. Cells. 2022 Jun 9;11(12):1879.

Targeted Ablation of Primary Cilia in Differentiated Dopaminergic Neurons Reduces Striatal Dopamine and Responsiveness to Metabolic Stress.  Mustafa R, Rawas C, Mannal N, Kreiner G, Spittau B, Kamińska K, Yilmaz R, Pötschke C, Kirsch J, Liss B, Tucker KL, Parlato R.  Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Aug 13;10(8):1284.

Noninvasive Electrocardiography in the Perinatal Mouse.  Fitzsimons LA, Brewer VL, Forrester J, Moran AM, Tucker KL.  J Vis Exp. 2020; 160:e61074.

Report on 7 Years’ Experience Implementing an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum for Osteopathic Medical Students Using Entrustable Professional Activities.  Reynolds TS, Frothingham C, Carreiro JE, Branda A, Schuenke MDTucker KLDaly FWillard FH.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):529-539.

Targeted Depletion of Primary Cilia in Dopaminoceptive Neurons in a Preclinical Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease.  Mustafa R, Kreiner G, Kamińska K, Wood AJ, Kirsch J, Tucker KL, Parlato R.  Front Cell Neurosci. 2019; 13:565.

RgIA4 Accelerates Recovery from Paclitaxel-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats.  Huynh PN, Giuvelis D, Christensen S, Tucker KL, McIntosh JM.  Mar Drugs. 2019; 18(1):12.

James M. Vaughn, PhD
  • Professor
  • jvaughn@une.edu
  • Interests:


A Novel Mechanism for Zika Virus Host-Cell Binding.  Rieder CA, Rieder J, Sannajust S, Goode DGeguchadze R, Relich RF, Molliver DCKing TEVaughn JMay M.  Viruses. 2019; 11(12):1101.

Frank H. Willard, PhD
  • Professor
  • fwillard@une.edu
  • Interests: Neurovascular anatomy of the cervical and lumbosacral spine; Myofascial and ligamentous support system of the lumbosacral spine and its dysfunction in patients with low back pain


Bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction in the setting of uncontrolled atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.
Murphy M, Lee A, Willard F, Price K. BMJ Case Rep. 2024 Sep 10;17(9):e260687. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260687.

Report on 7 Years’ Experience Implementing an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum for Osteopathic Medical Students Using Entrustable Professional Activities.  Reynolds TS, Frothingham C, Carreiro JE, Branda A, Schuenke MDTucker KLDaly FWillard FH.  J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020; 120(8):529-539.

Inadequate Intimal Angiogenesis as a Source of Coronary Plaque Instability: Implications for Healing. Brezinski M, Willard F, Rupnick M.  Circulation. 2019; 140(23):1857-1859.