
UNE students conducting ecological aquaculture research in the Byron lab.

Matthew Mar

MS 2026

Research focused on cultivation of Dulse – Palmaria palmata

Sophia Tearman

MS 2025

Research focused on how abiotic environmental factors influence sea lettuce reproductivity.

2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE): Commercial Cultivation of Ulva lactuca – Establishment of baseline cultivation parameters

2024 SURE: Reproductive timing of Ulva lactuca with the lunar cycle




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Mikayla Straube

MS 2026

Focused on how aquaculture gear type affects microplastic loading quantities in eastern oysters.

2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE): A Comparison of Microplastic Loading in Oysters Grown in Traditional Plastic Gear and Novel Plastic-free Gear

Anela McMichael

MS 2025 December

2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE): Comparing species presence methods in a marine habitat; identifying the overlap of eDNA methods and traditional visual observation of crustaceans


Previous Students


2023. Cara Blaine, MS in Marine Science, “Interactions of the marine snail Lacuna vincta with kelp farms in the Gulf of Maine”

  • Detecting the marine gastropod Lacuna vincta at seaweed farms using a novel environmental DNA (eDNA) assay. in prep
  • Grazing and residence of the marine gastropod Lacuna vincta on cultivated kelp. in prep

2022. Jessica Vorse, MS in Marine Science, “Effect of post-harvest processing methods on the microbial safety of edible seaweed”

2022. Emilly Schutt, MS in Marine Science, TNC Fellow, “Supporting Ecosystem Services of habitat and biodiversity in temperate seaweed (Saccharina latissima)”

2022. Will Bolduc, PSM in Ocean Foods Systems, TNC Fellow, “Consumer Willingness to Pay for Farmed Seaweed with Education on Ecosystem Services”

2021. Gretchen Grebe, PhD UMaine/UNE NSF EPSCoR SEANET Fellow, “Evaluating and advancing opportunities for ecosystem services, increased production, and sustainability of kelp aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine”

2020. Emma Taccardi, PhD UMaine/UNE NSF EPSCoR SEANET Fellow, “Biophysical and stable isotopic profiles of the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis

2020. Adrianus Both, PhD UMaine/UNE NSF EPSCoR SEANET Fellow, “Sourcing and evaluating detritus as supplementary diet for bivalve aquaculture using stable isotopes and fatty acid biomarkers”

2019. Olivia Barberi, MS in Marine Science, “Assessment of bacterial pathogens on sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) farmed in coastal waters”

2019. Connor Jones, M.S. in Marine Science, “A histological-biochemical health and condition assessment of farmed blue mussels (Mytlis edulis) in a changing Gulf of Maine”

2018. Carissa Maurin, M.S in Marine Science, “Determining the effects of bivalve aquaculture on the coastal food webs structure of Casco Bay, ME using stable isotope analysis”

2017. Eric Chapman, post-doc, “Social-ecological systems and carrying capacity of bivalve aquaculture”

2015. Lauren Bamford, M.S. in Marine Science, “A parasite-pinniped-fisheries interaction: Codwom (Pseudoterranova) in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Gulf of Maine”


2023. Anna Winkler, B.S. in Marine Science. Effects of kelp farm removal on small invertebrate community dynamics in the Gulf of Maine.

2022. Marc Millette, B.S. in Marine Science. Digitizing histological slides of mussel (Mytilus edulis) tissue.

2022. Hannah Korper, B.S. in Marine Science. Post-harvest time and temperature exposure of edible seaweed for promotion of food safety.

2022. Elena Shippey, B.S. in Marine Science. An analysis of reproductive and storage tissue variability of farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Casco Bay, Maine.

2020. Aubrey Jane, B.S. in Marine Science. Histological and PCR assessment of potential non-native trematode Proctoeces maculatus infections and environmental stress responses in farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis).

2020. Alexandra Giesser, B.S. in Marine Science. Nitrogen bioextraction potential of Saccharina latissima cultivation and harvest in the Gulf of Maine

2020. Everett Pierce, B.S. in Marine Science. Exploring how post-harvest processing techniques impact microbial quality of farmed sugar kelp.

2020. Kyle Brennan, B.S. in Marine Science. Mapping  optimal locations for kelp farming based on temperature in Saco and Casco Bay.

2019. Michele Condon, B.S. in Marine Science & Environmental Science. Interannual analysis of reproduction and energy investment within a population of farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis).

2019. Erynn Mills,  B.S. in Marine Science, Energetic pathways in bivalve aquaculture: using biomarkers to trace organic matter.

2019. Kylee DiMaggio, B.S in Marine Science & Environmental Science, Ecosystem modeling of food web dynamics explicitly considering the effects of climate change in a macro-tidal coastal estuary.

2019. Emily Hanson, B.S. in Marine Science, Quantifying the amount of microplastics in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) found in pelagic and intertidal zones.

2018. Andrew Davidsohn, B.S. in Marine Science & Aquaculture and Aquarium Science, Trophic shifts introduced to the Saco river estuary by a central secondary consumer, the invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas). [Primary advisor]

2018. Mary Hollandbeck, B.S. in Marine Science, Establishing the relationship between coliform and vibrio bacteria species on the surface of farmed sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) and in surrounding water. [Primary advisor]

2018. Katie Parker, B.S. in Marine Science, Histopathological analysis of parasites and environmental stress responses of farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Casco Bay, Maine.

2018. Katie Perry, B.S. in Marine Science, Ecological implications of commercial bivalve aquaculture on coastal food web dynamics.