Tyler Bailey, a UNE pharmacy student, writes about one of his favorite professors:
Dr. Dornblaser is easily one of my favorite professors. There is never a dull moment in her classroom which makes learning material feel fun. While teaching one of the harder sections (renal), she is also one of the best professors at explaining the material and helping us to understand it so that we can apply it to patient cases. She is very personable too–always asking us how our other classes are going, what we like to do, and what we think about certain cases from class. Dr. Dornblaser is very fair, making us feel comfortable asking her questions about anything. She also has a great sense of humor!

Besides teaching renal, Dr. Dornblaser is also involved in IGL.* In IGL, we consider different case studies and learn how to approach each health problem concerning the patient. She always guides us in treating the health problems of the patient, but also allows us to solve it in our own way. Learning something my own way truly helps me to understand it more and learn how to approach solving other patient cases.
While Dr. Dornblaser is one of my favorite professors, many of our professors at UNE are very good at teaching and are super passionate about what they teach. Even if there is a subject that you aren’t a huge fan of, having a professor that loves teaching it makes it so much easier to learn. In addition to being passionate about their subject matter, the professors are also passionate about helping every student. If anybody has trouble in a class or needs to clarify questions, every professor welcomes them into their office and truly cares about seeing that we understand the material. While all of our professors want us to graduate, they also really want to make sure we pass our board certification tests. In every class we have taken they make sure to tell us what is important for the NAPLEX and they will format quiz and test questions to reflect how the board test is taken. We are extremely lucky to have our professors who care so much for us in class and continue to care even after we graduate.
*IGL stands for Integrated Group Learning. In this class, students work in small groups to apply material they have learned in class to patient cases, facilitated by a faculty member.