Pre-Pharmacy Club by Dr. S. Vincent

The goal of the Pre-Pharmacy Club is to bring together the Pre-Pharmacy students of the Biddeford Campus! The meetings include fun seasonal activities along with discussions about pharmaceutical topics, advice for succeeding in classes during the undergraduate coursework, and talking about pharmacy school applications. This semester, the Pre-Pharmacy Club is planning to go pumpkin picking as a group, then will have their annual pumpkin carving meeting. The club officers are all second-year pre-pharmacy students; President Leah Dechaine, Vice President Emily Michaud, Treasurer Taylor Gesty, Secretary Evan Teneralli, and Social Media Coordinator Ava Martinez. Together, the officers have coordinated with the School of Pharmacy professional students to connect the two programs with the goal of creating a sense of support among ALL of the students. Find out more about the Pre-Pharmacy program at: