Service Learning at UNE by Dr. R. Mayer

This past year, 250 students, staff, and faculty gathered at Innovation Hall to put together non-perishable meal kits to provide to families in Maine to help address food insecurities. A huge success, this event, titled Meals for Maine, resulted in the creation of over 50,000 meal kits to be provided to those facing hunger in Maine. The event was so popular, in fact, that there were more volunteers than could be accommodated for! Service Learning Liasson, Sara Rea, was interviewed at the event; “Service-learning is far more than an extracurricular activity — it’s an opportunity to be empowered by the ability to have a positive impact on the lives of those facing any type of adversity. No, matter where you are in the world, where you come from, or who you have by your side, you can truly be the difference you want to see.” If you want to read more about Meals for Maine find the article here Meals for Maine.

To further address food insecurities here in Portland, Maine – Sara Rea, Service Learning Liasson for the class of ’27, led her class in a Sandwich Making event on Friday October 13th. Together with her fellow classmates, they made and donated over 200 sandwiches to the Milestone Recovery shelter. Milestone Recovery provides compassionate care and services to empower individuals experiencing substance use disorders, mental illnesses, and homelessness. If you are interested in learning more about Service Learning opportunities at UNE School of Pharmacy contact our Faculty Service Learning Liasson, Rachel Mayer (