Important Housing Information to Remember

Important Housing Dates 

Please review the following list of important dates pertaining to your student’s residential experience: 

July 1 – Deadline to select roommates on Residence, the online housing portal. Please remember that all requests must be mutual. You can access Residence by clicking here:  

July 15 – Housing assignments will be published on Residence, the online housing portal. You can access Residence by clicking here: 

August 22 – Move in for LLC/TLC, Honors College, and First Gen Bridge Program participants. 

August 25 – New Student Move In (see the summer mailing that will be sent in mid-July for further details). 

August 28 – Classes start. 

For a complete housing calendar, please visit the Residence Hall Calendar page.


Your students are encouraged to initiate direct communication with their roommate(s) over the summer. By direct, we mean meeting for coffee if locations work out, or scheduling time to connect over the phone or via Facetime, versus exchanging text messaging where tone can be misinterpreted. This initial contact will ease the transition of sharing a space, and help to put students on the same page about who is bringing what supplies for the room (i.e. you don’t need two rugs). Even better, it will provide them with a familiar peer upon moving in.

Summer Mailing 

A summer mailing for residential students will arrive by mid-July in a large white envelope. It will include a packing list, a list of assigned move-in times, parking incentive information, a flyer that outlines how to get a parking permit, and lots of other helpful materials.

Packing Information

For a complete list of what to bring and what to leave at home, please click here for a downloadable PDF.

Emergency Contacts

It is imperative for all students, both residential and commuter, to name an emergency contact. Students must provide us with this information before the academic year starts. A primary emergency contact should be a parent or guardian, although students are welcome to list multiple people if there is more than one person we should contact. The student should log in to U-Online, then click “Personal Information,” followed by “Settings,” and then “Update Emergency Contacts” to complete this step.