
Burkholder, K.M. (PI), C.J. Byron (Co-PI). Inviting conversation on a daunting topic: the role of microplastics in microbial safety of marine foods.  Maine Sea Grant 2024-2026 Biennial Research Award.  $199,798.

Gagnon, D. (PI), Burkholder, K.M. (Co-PI), Ceftriaxone to PRevent pneumOnia and inflammaTion aftEr Cardiac arresT (PROTECT): a Randomized-controlled Trial and Microbiome Assessment. National Institute of General Medical Sciences COBRE award to Maine Health and UNE (1P20GM139745-01). $428,953 to UNE. 7/2021-1/2025.

Byron, C.J. (PI), Burkholder, K.M. (Co-PI), Post-harvest time and temperature exposure of edible seaweed to promote food safety.  University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI).  $5,000, 02/01/2021 – 01/31/2022

Byron, C.J. (PI), Burkholder, K.M. (Co-PI), Establishment of best practices for post-harvest handling of farmed kelp towards a more resilient coastal community. Maine Sea Grant. $150,000. 02/01/2020 – 01/31/2022.