- Carrie Byron convened a Plastics, Pathogens, and PFAS session at the Maine Aquaculture Research, Development and Education Summit held on January 9th at Marine Maritime Academy in Castine, ME. During the session, Kristin Burkholder presented research findings in a talk:
Burkholder KM, Byron CJ, Blouch AR, Massoia LC, Adams L, Pesek A-R, Rolsky C. The Impact of Climate Change and Microplastics on Microbial Safety of Marine Foods. Maine Aquaculture Research, Development, and Education Summit. January, 2025. Castine, ME.
- Burkholder KM, Byron CJ, Blouch AR, Barrows A. Inviting conversation on a daunting topic – The role of microplastics in microbial safety of marine foods. Maine Sea Grant Biennial Research Symposium. October 9th, 2024. Orono, ME.
- Massoia LM, Rolsky C, Byron CJ, Burkholder KM. Role of microplastics in bacterial colonization of zebrafish. Master’s thesis presentation delivered to the School of Biological Sciences, University of New England.
- Massoia LM, Rolsky C, Byron CJ, Burkholder KM. Are microplastics vectors for bacterial entry into finfish? Northeast Aquaculture Conference and Exposition. January, 2024. Providence, RI.
Stay tuned!