Meet the Team – Seaweed Food Safety

Carrie J. Byron, Ph.D.

Project Co-PI

Kristin Burkholder, Ph.D.

Project Co-PI

Jessica Vorse

Project MS student

B.A. in Biology from the College of Wooster (2019)

M.S. in Marine Science from University of New England (2022)

Hello! My name is Jess and I am the lead graduate student on the food safety project. At the perfect intersection between marine and agricultural science this project is a dream come true for me.

Like so many people I have had an affinity for the ocean since childhood. Throughout my life I have been lucky to have many amazing experiences on the water, from doing research on the Great Barrier Reef to working as a deck hand on a recreational charter boat sailing around the Exumas, Bahamas. I intend to spend the rest of my life living near the ocean, working on the water and what better way to ensure that then diving deep into the world of seaweed farming!

For my undergraduate independent study I worked in collaboration with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center investigating the potential of “good” bacteria isolated from local soil samples to act as biological control agents against common crop pathogens. The research was part of an ongoing effort to identify sustainable alternatives to pesticide application on land crops. This project ignited my interest in our country’s industrial food system and its numerous short-comings. I became passionate about discovering alternative ways to supply large populations with healthy, sustainable food options and seaweed is definitely part of the answer!

Hannah Korper

undergraduate researcher

B.S. 2022, Marine Science, School of Marine and Environmental Sciences, UNE.

Received SURE fellowship funding to complete the temperature logger study.