UNE Wellness Center @ Westbrook Housing

Opening Wednesday, September 1, 2021, in the Larrabee Woods building. The Wellness Center is a formal partnership of the University of New England (UNE) and the Westbrook Housing Authority (WHA). The Center is open to all residents of WHA properties. READ MORE

Intergenerational exchange and wellness promotion are at the heart of this effort. The Center will link students from health and social service professions with residents in the provision of educational and wellness-related programming, including a free or reduced cost oral health clinic through the UNE Dental Hygiene Program.

Students will learn about aging and gain practical experience by working with and for residents. Residents will serve as “elder teachers” through their participation and thereby support student learning while also benefitting, personally, from the various programs and services they will offer.

Our partnership will start small and grow over time. Early initiatives include educational offerings and related activities, an oral health clinic (1), brief counseling and benefits assistance (2), and consultation regarding functional health. (3) Other educational and cultural capabilities of the University are also available to support this partnership (e.g., arts, history, philosophy, environmental studies). Residents are invited to share their interests and needs for future offerings.

Do you have suggestions, questions? Email Dr. Tom Meuser Director, Center for Excellence in Aging and Health at tmeuser@une.edu or call 207-221-4139.


VIEW – Fall 2022 Referral Guide

Hours of Operation (preliminary plan subject to change)

The UNE Center for Excellence in Aging & Health (CEAH) will be open three half-days per week to start off in September. In addition to regular “office hours” will also be posting and sharing monthly event calendars. Watch for evening and weekend offerings over time.

MondayAppointment Only
Tuesday9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (CEAH Office)
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Coffee Hour – Larrabee Woods Community Room
Wednesday9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (CEAH Office)
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Wii Bowling Tournament – Larrabee Woods Community Room
Thursday8:30 AM – 2:00 PM (CEAH Office)
8:30 AM & 1:00 PM Oral Health Clinic Appointments
FridayAppointment Only

1 Offering Dental Hygiene services (e.g., exam, basic cleaning, fluoride).
2 Provided by a supervised Master of Social Work student.
3 With respect to strength, flexibility, range of motion, safety, and general well being from
supervised Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy students.
4 207-221-4139 will also serve as the main contact line for the Wellness Center. Call anytime. 