Maine PCSS-U has collected the following resources to support clinicians who treat those with substance use disorder (SUD)/opioid use disorder (OUD) or are interested in learning about treating SUD/OUD. Click on a topic below to read more.
NIDA Resources by discipline
Find resources, courses, toolkits and more separated out by discipline including: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants, Social Workers
Learn about Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
SUD 101 Core Curriculum
While healthcare professionals are often on the front lines of treating substance use disorders most have limited (if any) training in this area. The curriculum was created to provide a foundation of the current research, resources, and support needed to increase providers’ competence and confidence in the care of their patients across the continuum of care.
Each module is available at no cost and is designated for interprofessional continuing education credits.

PCSS has the resources and training you need to meet the needs of your patients.
PCSS is a national training and clinical mentoring project developed in response to the opioid use disorder crisis. Our education and training resources were developed for primary care providers. The overarching goal of PCSS is to provide the most effective evidenced-based clinical practices in the prevention of OUD through proper opioid prescribing practices, identifying patients with OUD, and the treatment of opioid use disorder.
Search the educational materials by role, organization, or topic.
Words Matter: Improving the Substance Use Conversation
Use this Guide to help health care teams recognize, rethink and remediate the stigma and bias of words commonly used in caring for people with the chronic disease of substance use disorder:
- Introduce the content in staff meetings, discuss reactions, and take a few minutes each time to practice the scripts and alternative language amongst colleagues.
- Laminate the tools and hang them in break rooms, in exam rooms, at the front desk, and in new employee packets.
- Identify a team to pilot the scripts and share successes and learnings at staff meetings as a regular agenda item.
DATA 2000 Waiver
Want to know more about the DATA 2000 Waiver? You may be eligible for free training. Click here for more information.
Free support for clinicians
The PCSS Mentoring Program is a national network of trained clinicians with expertise in treating substance use disorders, co-occurring mental disorders, and pain management.
Learn more about the program and how you can get involved
Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Newborns
Maine Maternal Opioid Model (MaineMOM)
Improve care for pregnant and postpartum women with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and their infants by integrating maternal and substance use treatment services: learn about the initiative and access the extensive library of resources.
NEW website for patient outreach:
SnuggleME Project

The Snuggle ME Project serves to offer evidence-based information for providers in the care and critical screenings of pregnant women and newborns. The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention has developed a collection of tools and information through the Snuggle ME Guidelines for the use and reference of medical providers in fields of family medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics and addiction medicine. This updated edition provides a compilation of information proven necessary to effectively care for pregnant women and their newborns, specifically in screening for substance use, mental health disorders, and domestic violence.
Maine Clinical Opioid Advisory Committee Recommendations
Treatment of Co-Occurring Stimulant Use Disorder in Patients with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Proposed Position on the Use of Buprenorphine-Naloxone in Pregnancy
Maine Medical Association

Maine Opiate Collaborative: Prevention and Harm Reduction Task Force