For Faculty

From a single lab to complement your curriculum to a semester of hands-on experiential learning, the Makerspace can enhance your students’ classroom experience. You are welcome to come to us, or we will come to you. Would you like to discuss using the Makerspace for your students? Email the Makerspace coordinator for more information.

Examples of Past Labs

Single-visit Labs

  • 3D printing GIS Maps (GIS 364)
    Students learned to use the 3D printer using GIS maps they had made in class.
  • Scale Drawing (MAR 222 and MAR 323)
    These labs focused on learning how to make scaled drawings and simple models to be used in aquarium design.

Multi-visit Lab Series

  • Making custom PVC wheelchairs (HWOS 402)
    Students came into the makerspace once a week for the semester to build a pair of wheelchairs. See a video about this class below!
  • Designing and prototyping assistive devices (HWOS 313)
    A series of five labs over the course of the semester where we supported students in designing assistive devices for clients in the local community.
  • Rapid Prototyping (BUMG 120)
    A series of four labs over the course of the semester where students worked to develop low fidelity prototypes to use in a business pitch.

Select Areas of Expertise

  • 3D Modeling
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Assistive Technology
  • Climate Science
  • Data Science
  • Design Thinking
  • Digital Prototyping
  • Geospatial Systems
  • Physical Prototyping
  • Robotics