2021-22 Winners

Please enjoy the highlight reel of the 2022 Student Innovation Showcase, which highlighted interviews from some of our Maine Ideas Challenge 2021-22 winners.

Congratulations to our 2021-22 Winners!

Best Social Innovation: Courtni Jeffers, EdD, Transformational Leadership, ‘24

Maine Teen Vaccine Talk: an app that provides localized access to key resources that empower teens to make informed choices regarding their own health, as it relates to vaccines in general.

Best Business Innovation: Al Thoms, Business Administration, ‘22

Slip Sleeve: a product designed for cold-weather surfers to protect themselves against exposure when putting on their winter wetsuits.

Runner-up (Best Business Launch): Colin Casamento, Business Administration, ‘22

Live Bar: an app to get real-time information on live events in your local area.

Runner-up (Best Emerging Business Idea): Alex Vukota, Business Administration, ‘22

So-Lo: an app to connect local community businesses with customers and suppliers in an innovative way.