
@ = undergraduate student co-author; @@ = graduate student co-author; @@@ = grizzly bear co-author

Publications available via: Research Gate

Publications available via: Dune

Perlut, N.G., A. Kovach, L.M. Maxwell, P. Parker and R. B. Renfrew. 2023. Breeding origins of a uniquely regular migrant songbird in the Galápagos. Ecology and Evolution. Ecology and Evolution. 3:e9697.

Burke, E.K.@, and N.G. Perlut. 2022. Variation in body size and plumage explains apparent survival for young but not old male Bobolinks. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134: 551-559.

Scott, O.M.,@, N.G. Perlut and A.M. Strong. 2022. Age-specific Effects on Reproductive Performance of Grassland Songbirds. Avian Ecology and Conservation. 17(2).

Renfrew, R.B., N.G. Perlut, L.M. Maxwell, M. Cadman, D.H. Kim, G.V. Clucas, and A. Kovach. 2021. Population structure of a grassland songbird (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) to inform conservation units. Biodiversity and Conservation.31:77-96.

White, E.M@@, N.G. Perlut, S.E. Travis and A.M. Strong. 2021. Microsatellite markers yield new insight into extra-pair paternity in Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133:476-483.

Flanigan, A.J.@, J.A. Langan, N.G. Perlut and J.A. Sulikowski. 2021. A Preliminary Population Estimate of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) Within a Semi Closed Riverine System. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 52: 39–47.

White, E.M. @@, N.G. Perlut, S.E. Travis, and A.M. Strong. 2021. Diverse demographic factors influence apparent juvenile survival in a migratory songbird. Ecosphere. 12(10):e03761.

Denny, K.@, N.G. Perlut and A.M. Strong. 2021. Management Schemes, not Philopatry or Breeding Experience, Affect Nest Success of Two Songbirds in Vermont Hayfields. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 45:267-273.

McGowan, M.M.@ N.G. Perlut, and A.M. Strong. 2021. Agriculture is adapting to phenological shifts caused by climate change, but grassland songbirds are not. Ecology and Evolution.

DiMaggio, K@, N.G. Perlut and A.M. Strong. 2020. Mixed consequences of divorce on reproductive success of songbirds nesting in agricultural hayfields. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 132:241-247.

Perlut, N.G. and A. Levesque. 2020. Geolocator data reveals the migration route and non-breeding location of a Antillean Nighthawk (Chordeiles gundlachii). Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 33:49-53.

Perlut, N.G. 2020. Long-distance dispersal by Eastern gray squirrels in suburban habitats. Northeastern Naturalist. 27:195-200.

Renfrew, R.B., M. Cadman, D. Kim, and N.G. Perlut. 2020. Migration strategies of a long-distance migratory songbird across a continental breeding range. In press. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 131:735-749.

Brlík, Vojtěch et al. (49 co-authors). 2020. Small effect of geolocators on small birds: a meta-analysis controlled for phylogeny and publication bias. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89:207–220.

Perlut, N.G.. 2019. Latest record of a migrating Connecticut Warbler in New England. Northeastern Naturalist. 26:N12-14.

Cava@@, J.A., N.G. Perlut, and S.E. Travis. 2019. Heritability and evolvability of morphological traits of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) breeding in agricultural grasslands. PLOS ONE 14(1): e0210472.

Perlut, N.G. 2018. Prevalent transoceanic fall migration by a 30-gram songbird, the Bobolink. The Auk. 135:992-997.

Filiberti, E.@ and N.G. Perlut.  2018.Age-specific differences in body condition and migratory timing of blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata). Northeastern Naturalist 25:479-486.

Perlut, N.G., Parker, P.G.,Renfrew, R.B., and M. Jaramillo. 2018. Haemosporidian parasite community in migrating bobolinks on the Galapagos Islands. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 7:204-206.

Sutti, F., Strong, A., and N. Perlut. 2017. A multicriteria decision analysis for identifying priority conservation areas for grassland birds.  Northeastern Naturalist 24:99-118.

Perlut, N.G., T. Klak, and E. Rakhimberdiev. 2017.Geolocator data reveals the migration route and wintering location of the Caribbean Martin. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129:605-610.

RenfrewJ.M. Hill, D.H. Kim,C. Romanek, and N.G. Perlut.2017.Winter diet of multiple breeding populations of a long-distance migratory grassland bird using feather isotopes. The Condor 119:439-448.

Perlut, N.G. and R.B. Renfrew. 2016. Bobolink autumn migration stopover on Galapagos. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128:935-938.

Perlut, N.G. and A.M. Strong. 2016. Comparative analysis of factors associated with first-year survival in two species of migratory songbirds. Journal of Avian Biology 47:858-864.

Cava, J.A. @@, N.G. Perlut, and S.E. Travis. 2016. Why Come Back Home?  Investigating the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Proximate Factors that Influence Natal Philopatry in Migratory Passerines. Animal Behaviour 118:39-46.

Perlut, N.G., D.N. Bonter, J.C. Ellis, and M.S. Friar. 2016. Little cost to roof-top nesting in a declining population of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) Waterbirds 39:68-73 (invited submission for special edition).

Robertson, G.J., Roul, S., Allard, K.A., Pekarik, C., Lavoie, R.A., Ronconi, R.A., Ellis, J., Perlut, N., Diamond, A. W. and N. Benjamin. 2016. Morphological Variation Among Great Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls in North America. Waterbirds 39: 253-268 (invited submission for special edition).   

Levin, I.I., R.X. Baumann, D.H. Kim, N.G. Perlut,R.B. Renfrew, P.G. Parker. 2016. Local parasite lineage sharing in temperate grassland birds provides clues about potential origins of Galapagos avian Plasmodium. Ecology and Evolution 6:716-726 (journal cover).

Renfrew, R.B., A.M. Strong, N.G. Perlut, S.G. Martin and T.A. Gavin. 2015. Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online:  doi:10.2173/bna.176

Meserve, M.M. @@, K.A. Ono and N.G. Perlut. 2015. Brood provisioning and nest survival in the Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias). Northeastern Naturalist 22: 307-317.

Rankin, D.R. @@, and N.G. Perlut. 2015. The effects of forest stand improvement practices on occupancy and abundance of breeding songbirds. Forest Ecology and Management 335:99-107.

Perlut, N.G. 2014. Grassland birds and dairy farms in the northeastern United States. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:574–579.

Perlut, N.G., S.E. Travis, K. Dunbar@, A.M. Strong and D. Wright@. 2014. Nestling sex ratios support long-term parity in two species with varying life-history strategies. The Auk 131:224-234.

Levin, I.I., Zwiers, P., Cruz, M.B., Deem, S., Geest, E., Higashiguchi, J.M., Iezhova, T.A., Jimenez-Uzcategui, G., Kim, D.H., Morton, J., Perlut, N.G., Renfrew, R.B., Sari, E.H.R., Valkiunas, G., Wiedenfeld, D., and Parker, P.G. 2013. Multiple lineages of avian Plasmodium in the Galapagos Islands and evidence for arrival via migratory birds. Conservation Biology 27:1366-1377.

Perlut, N.G. 2013. Second Atlas of Breeding Birds of Vermont. 7 species chapters (Yellow Warbler, Upland Sandpiper, Sedge Wren, Savannah Sparrow, Northern Harrier, Grasshoper Sparrow, Bobolink). Edited by Rosalind B. Renfrew. University Press of New England.

Perkins@, D.G., N.G. Perlut, and A.M. Strong. 2013. Lack of fitness benefits for edge avoidance in nesting grassland birds in the northeastern United States. The Auk30:512-519.

Renfrew, R.B., D. Kim, N.G. Perlut, J. Fox, and P.P. Marra. 2013. Phenological matching across hemispheres in a long-distance migratory bird. Diversity and Distributions19:1008-1019.

Keyel, A.C., A.M. Strong, N.G. Perlut, and J.M. Reed. 2013. Evaluating the roles of visual openness and edge effects on grassland bird nest site selection and reproductive success. The Auk130:161-170.

Perlut, N.G., L. Kelly@, N.J. Zalik, and A.M. Strong. 2012. Male Savannah sparrows reduce parental care in response to paternity loss. Northeastern Naturalist 19:335-344.

Perlut, N.G., A.M. Strong, and T. J. Alexander. 2011. A model for integrating wildlife science and agri-environmental policy in the conservation of declining species. The Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1657-1663.

Perlut, N.G. and A.M. Strong. 2011. Grassland birds and rotational-grazing in the Northeast: Breeding ecology, survival and management opportunities.The Journal of Wildlife Management 75:715-720.

Little, L.P.@, A.M. Strong, and N.G. Perlut.2009. Aggressive response of adult Bobolinks to neck ligatures on nestlings. Wilson Journal of Ornithology121:441–444.

Fajardo, N.@, A.M. Strong, N.G. Perlut, and N. J. Buckley. 2009. Natal and breeding dispersal of Bobolinks and Savannah Sparrows in an agricultural landscape. The Auk 126:310-318.  

Perlut, N.G., A.M. Strong, T.M. Donovan, and N.J. Buckley. 2008. Regional population viability of grassland songbirds: effects of agricultural management. Biological Conservation 141:3139-3151.

Perlut, N.G., C.R. Freeman-Gallant, A.M. Strong, T.M. Donovan, C.W. Kilpatrick, and N. Zalik.2008. Agricultural management affects evolutionary processes in a migratory songbird. Molecular Ecology 17:1248-1255.

Perlut, N.G. 2008. Female Bobolink molts in male-like plumage and loses fertility. Journal of Field Ornithology79:198-201.

Perlut, N.G., A.M. Strong, T.M. Donovan, and N.J. Buckley. 2008. Grassland songbird survival and recruitment in agricultural landscapes: implications for source-sink demography. Ecology 89:1941-1952.

Masse, R.J.@, A.M. Strong, and N.G. Perlut. 2008. Can uncut patches increase the nesting success of grassland songbirds in intensively managed hayfields? Northeastern Naturalist 15:445-452.

Zalik, N.and N.G. Perlut. 2008. Simultaneous incubation by two females and nestling provisioning by four adults at a Savannah Sparrow nest. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:628-630.

Perlut, N.G., A.M. Strong, T.M. Donovan, and N.J. Buckley. 2006. Grassland songbirds in a dynamic management landscape: behavioral responses and management strategies. Ecological Applications16:2235-2247.