College of Arts and Sciences Research Symposium – April 26 – 30, 2021

This week, we are celebrating the outstanding work of over 100 talented students who have embarked in a research project, scholarly endeavor, or creative arts experience, either as a class project or via collaboration with a faculty mentor. Our students’ posters are mounted for viewing all week long at various locations across campus, and students will be available on Friday morning for live zoom sessions so that you can learn more about their work. We hope that you’ll be able to visit some of the posters asynchronously through the week and then join them on Friday as part of this special hybrid version of the CAS Spring Research Symposium. Details are in the attached program, which is also linked here

The Annual College of Arts and Sciences Research Symposium will follow a hybrid format this year. Posters, creative works, and research devices made in the Makerspace will be displayed across campus during the week of April 26th, and live Q&A sessions with the presenters will take place on Zoom on the morning of April 30th. We’ll also have a live streaming zoom session highlighting some of our student research projects. A digital program will be shared and we’d love for you to join us!

We are seeking volunteers to engage with students during their Q&A zoom sessions – if you’d like to participate or have questions, please email Erinn Stetson (

Thank you!

Amy Keirstead, Ph.D. 

Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences