DNA barcoding provides a molecular tool to identify and classify organisms. Sequencing the cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, and comparing the sequences across phyla allows to identify species, populations within species, generate phylogenetic trees, and more.
A good introduction to DNA barcoding can be found here: https://dnabarcoding101.org/lab/
A comprehensive database on DNA barcodes worldwide can be found here: https://www.boldsystems.org/
Barcoding of Biddeford Pool
Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DUE-IUSE 1431955; Project TURBO: The Undergraduate Saco River Biodiversity Observatory) and in collaboration with Ixplore we established a teaching module on DNA barcoding in multiple undergraduate courses. Students barcode as many marine and terrestrial invertebrate species in the Saco River estuary as possible. The current status of our barcoding progress is archived in these pages.

Search bar can be found in upper menu next to DNA Barcoding
Current Progress:
Phylum | Species | Common Name |
Annelida | Sparganophilus tamesis | |
Annelida | Lumbriculus | California blackworm |
Annelida | Lumbriculus variegatus | Mudworm |
Annelida | Arhynchobdellida | Proboscisless leech |
Annelida | Alitta virens | Sandworm |
Anthophyta | Comandra umbellata | Bastard Toadflax |
Anthophyta | Symphyotrichum eatonii | Easton Aster |
Anthophyta | Maianthemum stellatum | Star flowered lily of the valley |
Arthropoda | Semibalanus balanoides | Acorn Barnacle |
Arthropoda | Gammarus oceanicus | Amphipod |
Arthropoda | Chromagrion conditum | Aurora damsel |
Arthropoda | Buenoa | Backswimmer |
Arthropoda | Notonecta uhleri | Backswimmer |
Arthropoda | Aeshna tuberculifera | Black tipped darner |
Arthropoda | Pachydiplax longipennis | Blue dasher |
Arthropoda | Hydrocanthus iricolor | Burrowing water beetle |
Arthropoda | Notonecta uhleri | Common Backswimmer |
Arthropoda | Peltodytes edentulus | Crawling waterbug |
Arthropoda | Pelocoris femoratus | Creeping waterbug |
Arthropoda | Laccophilus maculosus | Dingy diver |
Arthropoda | Hydroporus | Diving water beetle |
Arthropoda | Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed whiteface |
Arthropoda | Erythemis simplicicollis | Eastern pondhawk |
Arthropoda | Carcinus maenas | European green crab |
Arthropoda | Enallagma civile | Familiar Bluet |
Arthropoda | Diptera | Fly |
Arthropoda | Ischnura | Forktail |
Arthropoda | Anax junius | Green darner |
Arthropoda | Notonecta kirbyi | Kirby’s backswimmer |
Arthropoda | Anopheles quadrimaculatus | Marsh mosquito |
Arthropoda | Coenagrionidae | Narrow-winged damselfly |
Arthropoda | Chaoborus punctipennis | Phantom midge |
Arthropoda | Callibaetis ferrugineus | Speckled spinner |
Arthropoda | Lestidae | Spread-winged damselfly |
Arthropoda | Libellula pulchella | Twelve-spotted skimmer |
Arthropoda | Arctocorisa carinata | Water boatman |
Arthropoda | Hydrometra martini | Water measurer |
Bryozoa | Membranipora membranacea | Lacy Crust bryozoan |
Filincinophyta | Onoclea sensibiis | Bead fern |
Magnoliophyta | Lysimachia nummularia | Creeping Jenny |
Magnoliophyta | Berberis thunbergii | Japanese barberry |
Mollusca | Pseudosuccinea columella | American ribbed fluke |
Mollusca | Mytilus trossulus | Bay mussel |
Mollusca | Physella acuta | Bladder snail |
Mollusca | Littorina littorea | Common periwinkle |
Mollusca | Crepidula fornicata | Common slipper snail |
Mollusca | Nucella lapillus | Dog whelk |
Mollusca | Tritia obsoleta | Mud snail |
Mollusca | Modiolus modiolus | Northern horsemussel |
Mollusca | Lacuna vincta | Northern lacuna |
Mollusca | Mya arenaria | Soft-shell clams |
Rhodophyta | Chrondrus crispus | Irish moss |
Spermatophyta | Prunus virginiana | Bitter-berry |
Spermatophyta | Smilax china | China root |
Spermatophyta | Prunus virginiana | Chokecherry |
Spermatophyta | Juglans nigra | Eastern black walnut |
Spermatophyta | Geranium endressii | Endres cranesbill |
Spermatophyta | Quercus robur | English Oak |
Spermatophyta | Sorbus scopulina | Greene’s mountain-ash |
Spermatophyta | Vaccinium membranaceum | Huckleberry |
Spermatophyta | Acer glabrum | Rocky mountain maple |
Tracheophyta | Comoranthus minor | |
Tracheophyta | Ozoroa mucronata | Eastern Cape Resin Tree |
Tracheophyta | Solidago missouriensis | Goldenrod |
Tracheophyta | Solidago missouriensis | Missouri goldenrod |