The 2020 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration has been designed to provide you with a unique opportunity to learn about the NIH grants process, programs, and policies directly from NIH & HHS experts.
This event is intended to help:
- Demystify the application and review process;
- Clarify federal regulations and policies; and
- Highlight current areas of special interest or concern.
Here are the top five reasons to register today:
- Attend virtually!
- Learn directly from HHS and NIH staff!
- Gather resources to use and share!
- Engage and network with peers from around the world!
- Pay nothing…it’s free!
Sound like an opportunity that could benefit you in the extramural research enterprise? Then register today and take advantage of this unique opportunity at NIH.
- Tuesday, Oct. 27–Friday, Oct. 30
- Noon – 5:00 p.m. EDT: Meet the Experts Exhibit Hall hours
- Noon – 5:00 p.m. EDT: The NIH Lounge: Making Community Connections hours
- 1:00 – 5:45 p.m. EDT: Agenda with three tracks of live and simulive sessions
- Available anytime: On-demand video library
- Seminar website: Includes registration link, agenda, exhibit hall listing, FAQs, etc.
Who should attend?
The 2020 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration is especially valuable for those new to the grants process, including sponsored project officers and departmental administrators, investigators, faculty, graduate students, postdocs and others involved in the NIH grants process. The NIH Grants Process track provides the fundamentals, while the Grants Policies and Programs track and the Let’s Talk About It track have something for everyone.
What’s the goal of the Seminar?
The goal of the NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration is to offer participants an unparalleled opportunity to gain a better perspective of NIH policies and programs, network with their peers, and gather helpful NIH contacts, so that they may return to their offices and/or labs with useful information, resources, and tools to assist in obtaining and managing NIH awards.
When can you register?
Registration is open! Remember, registration and attendance are free! Click the “Register Today” box on the seminar website.