Jenifer Van Deusen co-presented “The Maine PCSS-u Grant at UNE & Addiction Medicine Resources at MaineGeneral” on August 18, 2022.

As the work of the SAMHSA grant, “Maine Providers Clinical Support System- University,” winds down we are presenting our results and planning for the sustainability of our work. On August 18, 2022, with Dr. Kelley Harmon, I co-presented Grand Rounds at MaineGeneral Medical Center, entitled “The Maine PCSS-U Grant at UNE & Addiction Medicine Resources at MaineGeneral.” The presentation 

  • defined the need for addiction medicine education
  • discussed what Maine PCSS-U is and what it has accomplished, focused especially on how UNE COM’s Maine Clinical Campus now intergrates medical students and PA students in their OBOT treatment for people with opioid use disorder. 
  • described how osteopathic medicine and interprofessional education enhance care for people with substance use disorders
  • and listed addiction medicine resources and activities at MaineGeneral and   Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency

A total of 67 people participated in the Grand Rounds and found it very enlightening.