2022 NISBRE Abstract Submission Guidelines – Submission Deadline: November 25, 2022 | 5 pm EST

This call for abstracts is intended for the National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE). Abstracts will be accepted via electronic submission.

Each abstract should be divided into four subheadings:

  1. Background and Objective
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion and Conclusions

Abstracts will be categorized into areas of scientific focus for presentation and review. If your work does not correspond with one of the designated focus areas, please select the “Other” category.

Scientific Focus Areas:



Cardiovascular Disease

COBRE, INBRE, CTR (description for iPoster Presentations)

Genetics, Omics

Health Disparity/Community Engagement

Infectious Disease and Immunology

Integrative Medicine


Rural Health


Size: Abstracts should include a title, author(s), affiliation(s), text, and acknowledgments. Please limit the body of the abstract to 250 words or less.

Authors: The presenting author will be the primary contact for this abstract, will receive email notifications regarding iPoster creation, and be responsible for giving the oral and/or poster presentation.  All participants that submit an abstract will receive an email and invited to prepare an iPoster.  The iPoster will remain active well beyond the December 12-14, 2022 conference allowing for scheduled visits with interested scientists at a future date. The presenting author is responsible to contact other authors regarding the status of the abstract.

Affiliations: Include the department and institutional affiliations of each author on the project.

Grant support: Acknowledgement of grant support should be given at the end of the abstract.
