Pathways in STEMM – Tuesday, January 10th, 3-4pm Guest: Dr. Trish Labosky, NIH


Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Time: 3:00-4:00pm

Guest. Patricia Labosky PhD, Program Leader, Office of Strategic Coordination, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health

Guest Bio

Patricia (Trish) Labosky earned her Ph.D. from Wesleyan University studying the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells, and then did her postdoctoral training at Vanderbilt University where she furthered her interest in stem cells and early development, generating some of the first germ line competent embryonic germ cell (EG cell) lines and setting up embryonic stem (ES) cell knock out technology for her postdoc lab and the Vanderbilt Transgenic Mouse core. After that postdoctoral work, Trish was an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania from 1997 – 2006. In 2006 she moved to Vanderbilt University where she was a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and the Center for Stem Cell Biology. She was also a Scientific Co-Director of the Vanderbilt Transgenic Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Core and led the Postdoctoral Affairs Office. Dr. Labosky’s research focused on studying genes that control normal development of the mammalian embryo and mediated cell lineage decisions in multiple disparate stem cells. Her lab was funded by multiple NIH awards and foundation grants and resulted in many publications. She trained many graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, undergraduate students, and technicians in that time. In 2012, Dr. Labosky made a big career change; despite being NIH funded and having tenure, she left academia and joined the NIH in the Office of Strategic Coordination that administers the NIH Common Fund. Here she has worked with other NIH staff to lead several programs including: 4D Nucleome<>, Acute to Chronic Pain Biosignatures<>, Extracellular RNA Communication<>, Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST<>), Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2<>), and Strengthening the Biomedical Research Workforce<> where she lead the Broadening Exposure in Scientific Training (BEST) awards. Currently she is the Program Officer for the Office of the Director’s High-Risk High-Reward Award Program<>: Pioneer Awards<>, New Innovator Awards<>, and Transformative R01 Awards<>. Trish very much enjoys thinking broadly about science and being on the edge of some of the most exciting science the NIH supports. In her home life Trish enjoys her family, including her high school prom date husband and their teenaged son and two Rhodesian Ridgebacks. She also reflects back to embryonic patterning in making quilts and tries to stay in shape swimming (competitively in the past—still searching for the right Masters team now).