Maine Space Grant Consortium 2023 MERITS Program: Students that UNE might be interested in hosting – and their top interests:

These are rising high school Seniors – MSGC pays to the students directly – The students don’t need housing

Please reach out to Jana Hall  ( directly to learn more about the students and the opportunity. 

A few students who we have accepted into our MERITS program this summer, and now I’m looking to place in great projects with awesome mentors!  

Our program runs for six weeks during the summer.  We pay our students directly so there is no cost to the host institution.  I just need to find a mentor who can include them in a research (or tech) project where they can learn and grow!

Kierith G. interested in:  chemistry, life sciences, environmental science.  Did project with patients with skin cancer and a project monitoring air quality in wood burning stoves

Trevor O. Interested in:  chemistry, Biology, materials science, environmental science, Earth Science, Marine science, remote sensing, GIS.  He attended the Roux Institute’s Innovators camp, is on many extra curricular programs/clubs (science bowl, sailing club, math team)

Kaitlyn E. interested in:  Chemistry, Biology, Bio-medical research, life science.  Is looking to pursue the medical field, she has done a virtual medical program and volunteers at Maine Med.

Jana Hall

Controller and Director of Education Programs

Maine Space Grant Consortium

87 Winthrop St., Suite 200

Augusta, ME  04330

207-622-4688 (office)

207-441-1519 (cell)