Ali Ahmida presented “Confronting Silence and Cover-Up of the Colonial Genocide in Libya: Italian Fascism from the Standpoint of its Victims” at the panel “Decolonizing Research/Politicizing Ethics” held at theAnnual Middle Studies Association of North America (MESA) via Zoom on November 14, 2024.
Ali Ahmida interviewed
Ali Ahmida’s proposal has been shortlisted for the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship 2025 competition.
I was invited and presented a keynote address in Arabic at the prestigious Egyptian Council of Culture in Cairo on Thursday March 7, 2024. My presentation’s title was:
The Concept of genocide: Origins, Theories, and Contemporary Significance, a multidisciplinary Perspective. The talk was highly attended by scholars, graduate students, and invited guests. In addition, the talk was posted on YouTube as well. The main state and private newspapers and media covered the talk. Here is a link:
Ali Ahmida were invited for the Arabic International Al-Wasat WTV program interview with Ma Fadwa to talk about my educational and scholarly journey in Libya, Egypt and the USA as AUNE scholar/teacher. This honoring long interview for two hours and have been aired and posted on YouTube :
Friday March, 15 (Educational journey)
Friday March, 22 (Teaching and Scholarly Career)
On Thursday, October 26, 2023 in the evening (Eastern time) I participated and presented via zoom as guest speaker a review commentary on the film “Strange Fish” organized by Film Festival organized by Western New York Refugee Film Festival that is sponsored by Journey’s End, a non-profit refugee resettlement agency here in Buffalo, NY.
On October 25, 2023, I was interviewed by Libyan TV Arabic language channel al-Wasat, and commented on the larger regional and international context of the American Biden Administration foreign policy toward the current Israeli-Hamas Gaza war.
I had a long interview with the Australian National Public Radio last week. I spoke on the recent flood tragedy in the Libyan city of Derna.
Link to interview:
Ahmida gave an interview to Raouf Ganda on December 9, 2022 in Arabic. He was interviewed by the creative Libyan American documentarian Raouf Ganda in Arabic. The interview was posted in YouTube. The long interview covered my everyday activities, research, scholarship, teaching as a UNE professor, and the background to my recent award for the book Genocide in Libya.
It has been well received in Libya and beyond, over 13,000 hits so far. It presents a nice and positive view of UNE.
Here is a link:
During his trip to Cairo, Egypt on March 1-9, 2023, Ali Ahmida made presentations at three seminars, participated in a book signing event, and made interviews with the prestigious al-Ahram and al-Wasat newspapers.
Ali Ahmida was interviewed by Ian Masters, “Background Briefing with Ian Masters” on the recent flooding tragedy in Derna Libya. Here is a link:
The interview is posted online at
Ahmida gave interview to the Arabic Podcast Finjan, which has been listened to and watched by 400,000. I spoke about my educational journey in Libya, Egypt, and the USA and my long research fieldwork of the book Genocide in Libya: