Indigenous values and knowledge systems for planetary health and climate change

Date and time: 13:30 – 14:45hrs, Wednesday 19 April – RSVP here

The COP28 incoming Presidency, the Office of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, the UNFCCC and the Indigenous Peoples Caucus will co-host an event to delve deep into the profound and symbiotic relationship between Indigenous values and knowledge systems and planetary health amidst pressing challenges of climate change, two thematic areas of the 22nd session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII). This discussion hopes to foster equitable and ethical dialogue to identify concrete ways/examples/steps to support Indigenous Peoples in weaving their values and knowledge systems into the development and implementation of climate policies and actions, now and in the future.   

Indigenous Peoples have a deep connection to the natural world.  Their values and knowledge systems can help transform how the global community approaches the urgent challenges of climate change and biodiversity decline.