Associate Provost for Research and Scholarship Karen Houseknecht has been appointed by the Governor to serve on the the Maine Innovation Economy Advisory Board (MIEAB)

MIEAB is a consequential board that’s responsible for developing the State’s five-year innovation action plan, as well as monitoring and reporting annually on the state’s progress against the goals and tactics in the plan.  It also serves as the State’s EPSCoR Steering Committee and generally provides advisory to policy makers on all things related to our innovation economy.  The board is expected to meet quarterly.

With respect to our EPSCoR responsibilities, there is a need for MIEAB to convene in early May to review and approve a proposal from Maine for a $20 million National Science Foundation (NSF) Track-1 solicitation.  MIEAB’s review and endorsement of the proposal is required for submission.  Shane Moeykens, PhD, Director of Maine’s EPSCoR program, will be reaching out to you in the coming days to share a meeting poll.  Please try to get your responses to him as soon as you are able so we can get the meeting scheduled when most members are available.