March 2023 Pathways in STEMM – Drs. Paul Baker (Sciex) and Juli Martino (GeneDx)

Date: Thursday March 9, 2023

Time: 1:00-2:00pm EST

Guest: Paul Baker PhD, Senior Staff Scientist, Sciex Register here<>

Paul Baker received his PhD in Biochemistry from Wake Forest University School of Medicine, where he began his training in lipids with the study of the metabolism and signaling actions of ether-linked lipid mediators under the guidance of Robert Wykle.  He did his post-doctoral work with Bruce Freeman at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he helped lead the discovery of a novel class of anti-inflammatory lipid mediators—nitrated lipids.  He continued to work on nitrated lipids as an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine until June of 2011, when he joined SCIEX.  As a senior applications manager and the global lead scientist for Lipidomics, he pioneered the use of differential Ion mobility spectrometry in the study of lipids.  This work led to the invention of the Lipidyzer, a lipid analyzer for plasma and to the development of Electron Capture Dissociation as a novel means for complete lipid characterization. In May of 2018, Paul joined Avanti Polar Lipids as the Analytical Services Director, where he focused on developing new analytical and internal standard strategies for lipid analysis.  Paul rejoined SCIEX in 2020, where he is now a senior staff scientist for metabolomics and lipidomics for global strategic technical marketing.

Interests and hobbies include woodworking, cooking, travel and tending to the endless call of fix-it jobs around the house.

I have visited 54 countries—primarily for work—and I never get bored discovering new people, foods and cultures.

I was a Peace Corps volunteer for 2 years in the Fijian Islands living on the island of Rotuma.


Date: Tuesday March 21, 2023

Time: 3:00-4:00pm EST

Guest: Juli Martino PhD, Variant Curation Scientist, GeneDx Register here<>

Dr. Julieta (Juli) Martino hails from Cordoba, Argentina. After completing her undergraduate studies, she worked as a field biologist studying whale behavior along the Argentine coast. This experience sparked her interest in environmental toxicology, leading her to the Wise Laboratory at the University of Southern Maine where she earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology through the University of Maine’s Cooperative Ph.D. Program. During her graduate studies, Dr. Martino combined research on whale and human cells to examine the effects of environmental carcinogens on chromosome stability and mitotic defects. Juli continued her research as a postdoctoral researcher, studying homologous recombination, a DNA repair pathway linked to breast and ovarian cancer. She worked at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and the Leloir Institute in Argentina, investigating homologous recombination regulation and novel drugs for homologous recombination-deficient cells. Her Ph.D. and postdoctoral training cultivated her passion for DNA biology and personalized medicine. Today, Dr. Martino is a Variant Curation Scientist at GeneDx, a clinical genomics company, where she works remotely from Southern Maine. In her role, she assists in genetic variant interpretation for diagnosis within the Inherited Cancer and Cardiology teams. In her free time, she enjoys yoga, running, salsa dancing, and training Captain, her 3-year-old Labrador/Golden retriever mix.