New Policies for Histology and Imaging Core Equipment and Services

  • Use of Core Equipment

In general, anyone using Core equipment must be wearing a mask and gloves and should wash their hands before use. You must also make an effort to remain at least 6 feet away from anyone else. The equipment will be set up in such a way that it can be used safely distant from others. All equipment will be restricted to 2 users per day, with each user selecting an AM or PM shift. The shifts are 9 AM to 1 PM and 1:30 PM until whenever you like.  No one should personally be making reservations for any equipment–the scheduling must be done through Peter, who will update the calendars so that you will be able to view who is signed up for when. 

This timing structure will allow Core staff to clean the equipment first thing in the morning and again in the middle of the day if used. However, each user must also wipe down equipment with 70% alcohol after use. Specific instructions for where to clean are located at each piece of equipment, and you will need to check off that you have done the cleaning in the logbooks. For microscopes with eyepieces, you must affix a piece of plastic wrap over the eyepieces with a rubber band before looking through. When cleaning eyepieces always use lens paper, never Kimwipe or paper towel.

  • Core Training

It will be possible for people to be trained on equipment but strictly 1 on 1. Each person will need to wash their hands once in the lab and don a lab coat and gloves in addition to a mask. Please restrict training to only what’s necessary for you in the immediate future.

  • Olympus VS200 Microscope

With regard to the new Olympus microscope, training will be available, but bear in mind that we still have not had a full training session from the Olympus reps, and it might be a little bumpy. A major consideration for use of that scope is data handling–if you thought the Keyence files were large, wait until you see these. A single section can easily be over 5 GB.  Flash drives are not going to cut it–you will definitely need a higher capacity external hard drive, and a solid state drive is preferable. Here’s the one our Olympus rep uses: The raw images files are .vsi, so in order to use TIFF files you will need to use the batch exporter software which will be located on the analysis computer next to the Nikon scope in 208 Stella Maris. Contact Derek Molliver to schedule time on this computer.

  • Confocal

Another important change is regarding the confocal. From now through the month of August, there will be no hourly charge for individual confocal use (normal charge applies for assisted use and training). If you are trained on the confocal already, you can schedule reservations through Peter (again, don’t create your own reservations). The sterilization, 2 users per day, and 2 shift rule applies to confocal use as well. 

Please take heed of these changes and understand that it will be a team effort to get things going in a safe manner. Let us know if you have any questions about any of the above. 


Derek Molliver, Peter Caradonna, Geoff Ganter
