The 2020-2021 Maine/NASA EPSCoR RID Program is OPEN!

Our 2020-2021 Maine NASA EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) Research Infrastructure Development (RID) Program funds

  1.  Collaborative Seed Research Grant and
  2. Travel Grants.

Eligible applicants are faculty/researchers at MSGC Affiliate higher education and research institutions. Individuals from for-profit institutions can participate in the proposal as co-principal investigators.

Click here for a description of funded NASA EPSCoR RID projects.

Download the Maine NASA EPSCoR RID 2020-2021 Call for Proposals Final REV 11_20_2020 for program guidelines and important dates.

UPDATE:  We extended our LOI and Proposal Due Dates:

Due date for letters of intent: December 4,2020

Due date for proposals:  January 22, 2021

Writeable forms can be found on our For Researchers page


UNE liaison to MSGC: Jerry Mullin, Ph.D.,