“Theories of power in interprofessional research – developing the field”, Cohen Konrad, Fletcher, Hood & Patel, made the top 10 articles for 2020 from the Journal of Interprofessional Care

This last year has been a tough one for many, whether you be a patient, clinician, researcher, academic or all of them combined (I could have thrown in more roles, but the list, as you can imagine is endless).

From the journal’s perspective we have strived to continue publishing excellent research, editorials, guides and commentaries.

This has culminated in Special Issue focused on Covid-19 and the work published here has been exceptional and worth a read for all. It has been titled ‘Covid-19: Interprofessional Considerations’ and you can see more HERE.

Additionally, as we close toward the end of 2020 and hopefully, a brighter better 2021 where we do not go back to normal but rather a new normal, we a please to publish this list of the top 10 most read and cited papers of 2020. These can be found HERE and if you are lucky enough to be a member of CAIPE you can read all of these articles in full.

Based on these papers, the covid special issue and the ongoing work that continues to date, we at the Journal are aiming to host a twitter chat in December focusing on the themes that have emerged from 2020 and the special issue. We want to discuss these but importantly look at What does 2021 hold for Interprofessional education, research and collaboration, considering what has happened and what has been published in 2020?

Full article