UConn/Hartford Hospital Outcomes Research Fellowship Opportunity

Please Contact: Craig I Coleman, Pharm.D., FASHP at craig.coleman@hhchealth.org for more information!  

2-year Fellowship, $47,000/year + benefits, Open to Pharm.D., MD, PhD, or MS/MPH Candidates in a Health Science  This is an amazing opportunity to learn the important tenets of a successful research career, develop new skills and use them to solve real world problems. Perform large and small database cohort studies, meta-analyses and systematic reviews with >80% of time devoted to scholarship. Learn how to be a successful teacher and small group leader and use these skills in the education of pharmacy students. This fellowship has been in existence since the 1970s and has trained leaders in academia and the pharmaceutical industry across the country.  Primary preceptors include Craig I Coleman, PharmD, Diana Sobieraj, PharmD, William Baker, PharmD, Adrian Hernadez, MD, PhD, and C. Michael White, PharmD. See our bios and publication listings as well the HOPES Collaborative Group description at https://pharmacy.uconn.edu/hopes/. Our work has been published in JAMA, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, etc. Fourteen projects received national media attention (Today Show, USA Today, NBC Nightly News, etc). We received the ASHP Drug Therapy Research Award six times. Three preceptors and a past fellow were ACCP Young Investigators of the Year.     ‌