Weekly Update from DRCB/NIGMS – Issue 111, 12/19/2022

sue 111, 12/19/2022

PIs who receive the update are expected to forward to researchers, students, and staff on the awards

NIH Funding Opportunity and/or Policy Announcements   

  • Notice of Change to First Application Due Date in PAR-23-030 Leading Equity and Diversity in the Medical Scientist Training Program (NOT-GM-23-027).  
  • New Inbox for Inquiries Related to Federal Financial Reports (FFRs) and Financial Closeout (NOT-OD-23-035).
  • Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hubs (REACH) Awards (RFA-OD-23-005). Applications due: February 9.
  • Administrative Supplements to Prepare Data Assets for Infectious and Immune-mediated Diseases for Inclusion into the NIAID Data Ecosystem (NOT-AI-23-009). Applications due: February 13.

Reports/News/Program Messages

  • Slides and videos of Leading Equity and Advancing Diversity in the Medical Scientist Training Program (LEAD MSTP) Webinar are now available on the IDeA webpage.
  • Slides and video recording of COBRE Phase 1 Data Sciences and Women’s Health Research NOSI Informational Webinar are now available on the COBRE website here.
  • Please share your perspectives about NIH RPG review by responding to this RFI through March 10.
  • American Indian and Alaska Native Collaborative Research to Enhance Wellness: Addressing Opioid/Drug Misuse, Mental Health, and Pain, Research Concept. See more information here.

See previous Weekly Updates at DRCB website: https://www.nigms.nih.gov/Research/DRCB/Pages/weekly-updates-from-DRCB.aspx