Worldwide Alternatives to Physiology Education: Access and Inequity – July 21, 2021 10 AM – 12 PM


This webinar a collaboration between the APS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee and Teaching of Physiology Section. Presenters will discuss the challenges faced by physiology educators worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of inequitable access to technology. The focus of this session will be to identify challenges as well as alternative approaches to mitigate this inequity experienced by many countries and communities during the global pandemic and beyond.

The goals of the webinar include answering the following questions:

  • What challenges do countries or communities without universal access to technology encounter when in-person instruction is not available?
  • How do technological challenges impact faculty development, teaching resources, student engagement and equity in the classroom?
  • What tools, other than Zoom, are universally available in the midst of technological immersion?
  • What can educators do to increase awareness and overcome the challenges faced in other educational communities?