You are invited to the NASA IDEAS LAB workshop on Monday, November 4, 2024, at the Fireside Lounge, Randall Student Center, University of Maine at Augusta.

Participants will be eligible for collaborative seed grants of $25,000 per project. If you want to learn how to link your research to Space and get NASA funding, please continue reading. NASA and the Maine Space Grant Consortium fund this program.  

This event will be held from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in a facilitated workshop format with a lunch break sponsored by MSGC Ideas lab. New attendees are encouraged to attend and previous attendees are also welcome to return.

For this iteration of the MSGC Ideas Lab, we are inviting all researchers aligned with MSGC (see Priority Topic areas here:, NASA research priorities, or other space-related research interests. Come prepared to discuss your area and expertise but with no expectation of an already-formulated topic. One or more collaborative projects created through this process will have access to seed funding through MSGC.

We will cover your travel mileage from your university to the University of Maine at Augusta.. 

Please RSVP by Monday, October 21, 2024, via email to

You are welcome to attend even if you have already received seed grant funds from MSGC Ideas Lab. 

Thank you and we look forward to your participation in this event.

Jana Hall

Controller and Director of Education Programs

Maine Space Grant Consortium

87 Winthrop St., Suite 200

Augusta, ME  04330

207-622-4688 (office)

207-441-1519 (cell)