
What is GWEP?

GWEP stands for Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program. Maine’s GWEP — known as AgingME — is one of 42 GWEP programs nationwide funded by the Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). GWEP programs seek to educate and train the healthcare and supportive workforces to be better equipped to meet the needs of older adults. AgingME aims to create a more age-friendly health system by better preparing an age-capable workforce, transforming primary care practices, and engaging and empowering older adults to speak up and advocate for their health care needs.

These efforts are accomplished through various partnerships. AgingME is partnering with academic institutions, health care organizations, and community-based programs to provide knowledge and skills to enhance the level of health care received for Maine’s older adults. In this round of funding, AgingME will be focusing these efforts in rural, underserved, and tribal communities.

Maine’s GWEP is located on the University of New England’s Portland Campus in the Center of Excellence in Public Health. The UMaine Center on Aging has partnered with the University of New England on this GWEP grant and will take lead on evaluative components.

Under the umbrella of a statewide AgingME Partners Council and Advisory Group, AgingME will help to align new and existing primary care, long-term care, and community-based efforts in geriatrics and create connections for the well-being of older Mainers.

What are our specific goals?

We teach individuals what matters most when caring for older adults.

  1. We develop reciprocal partnerships between academic, primary care sites/delivery systems, and community-based programs to transform clinical training sites to be age-friendly and dementia-friendly.
  2. We deliver knowledge and skills to patients, families, caregivers, and direct-care workers to improve health outcomes for older adults.
  3. We provide immersive learning experiences for current healthcare students in a tribal, underserved, or rural community with the hopes they will return to work in these locations upon completion of their program.
  4. We develop innovative trainings and curriculum to support career advancement and continuing education.

What are some projects being funded by the grant?

We have a lot going on here at AgingME! Below are some of the projects we’re working on:

Project ECHO: To support the care of older adults in rural primary care sites.

Education Enhancements: To develop and expand education programs such as Maine Academy for Geriatrics Interprofessional Continuing Education Program (MAGIC), UNE COM’s Geriatrics Education Mentoring with Seniors (GEMS), enhanced field placements and practica at UMaine

Plain language initiative:  To improve health literacy among older adults and their care partners as well as among students and health professionals with older adults.

Practice Transformation:  To optimize the use of Medicare Annual Wellness Visits, detect cognitive impairment earlier, focus on the 4Ms and support care partners.

Community-based Programs: We support Falls Prevention Programs, Brain Health, the Conversation Project and Savvy Caregivers.

Conference Offerings:  We provide knowledge about age-friendly living at many Maine Conferences and Expos. The Clinical Geriatrics Colloquium, the Maine Geriatrics Conference, the Maine Senior Guide Successful Aging Expo, Midcoast Aging Expo, the Lewiston Aging Expo, UMaine Impact week, and the EAAA Healthy Aging Expo, are just some of the locations we present information about aging well.