Kiernan Gordon Presented at NASSM Conference

Kiernan Gordon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sport & Recreation Management, presented original research and led a roundtable discussion at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), which took place in Atlanta, GA, June 2nd-4th. Gordon and his collaborator, Dr. Gidon Jakar, from University of Florida, presented their paper, ‘Crime and “the captive audience”: Examining the relationship between professional sport viewership and criminal incidents in the Dallas Metroplex’. Using theoretical frameworks from environmental criminology, the project analyzes the impact of competitions involving teams from the United States’ four, major, professional sport leagues on reported crime in the Dallas metropolitan area. Gordon, a founding member of the Sport Venue Education and Research Group, also led a roundtable discussion on the state of sport venue teaching and research with scholars participating from such institutions as University of Michigan, University of Florida, and Georgia State University.