In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought we’d check in with our UNE students to see what they’re thankful for this year. We asked them on our weekly Snapchat series, #BestofUNE.
The series fell on a perfect day, too— the day of UNE’s Annual Student Thanksgiving, one of our favorite traditions. Students enjoyed a delicious traditional Thanksgiving spread prepared by our dining services, while faculty and professional staff served their drink and dessert orders. Events like these are so important to UNE— not only as a chance to have fun and enjoy good food, but to remind us what makes our community so special.
So, let’s see…
What are UNE students thankful for?
“My health and the people around me.”
“My cat.”
“My dogs.”
“To be able to live and go to school in Maine.”
“Friends and family.”
“All the great friends here at UNE and that the semester is almost over.”
“My opportunity to get an education and the friends I’ve made along the way.”
“Friends, family and food.”
“The fact that it’s almost winter… I really like snow!”
“My friends and peers I’ve met at UNE.”
Beyond #BestofUNE
Our students’ gratitude extends far beyond #BestofUNE. Students put up holiday decorations in downtown Biddeford. They made care packages for the York County Shelter Programs. They crafted holiday cards for the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital and local veterans. They donated winter gear to the Seeds of Hope Neighborhood Center. And much, much more!
This community knows no bounds. We’re thankful to be a part of it every day, and we look forward to the future Nor’easters who will join us.
What are you thankful for this year? Tag @uneadmissions and tell us!
Post By:

Addie Weller
Admissions Marketing and Technology Coordinator
After spending over two years teaching English in Asia, Addie returned to her home state of Maine and joined the UNE community. She spends her time working on marketing, social media, website content, email communications and blog posts for admissions. Outside of the office, you can find her at the beach, on her yoga mat, or at her apartment cozying up with a good book.